
Thursday, June 9, 2022

House Sparrow

 The House Sparrow, familiar across North America, primarily because of its affinity for people.
Seldom seen far from houses and farms, it is often tame where it is fed regularly.
Abundant in this area, it is fun to watch them dust-bathe.

Often overlooked because of its "brown" color, it is a pretty bird with a beautiful feather pattern.
This is the male.

You can see its feather pattern and markings well here.

- a bird doesn't sing because it has an sings because it has a song -


  1. Great shots! I’ve never seen one.

  2. Great shots of the Sparrows. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. On he is adorable! Love the feather patterns! Hot and muggy here-- summer has arrived

  4. Lovely photographs of the sparrows.

    All the best Jan

  5. So sweet and great photos! I watched sparrow babies being fed by their mama these last few days.

  6. Your bird photos are so amazing, Debbie! Always! Such beautiful patterns and colours. I use those browns all the time in my paintings.


  7. Great pics you got with him, I like the ones with the tree trunk behind. yes we have a lot of them around here too, they love my suet that is just outside my window :)
