
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Great Adventure Drive Thru Safari

 It was so hot and humid yesterday, too hot for an outside activity, even the pool.
We have season passes for Great Adventure...
we do not "ride the rides" but we really enjoy the drive thru safari.
So off we went, in our our 4 wheel drive safari car, air conditioning included.
It was such a fun afternoon, the park is so pretty and the animals are well cared for, roaming free.

They have a new feature..
Upon arrival, they hand you a paper with a "QR" code.
You scan the code with the camera on your phone and you receive a guided auto tour,
it was wonderful.

Each group of animals have these homes for shade.

These Ostrich are all over the safari grounds.
The are quite large, tall, flightless birds.

Velvet Antler Elk


We watched the Elephants being fed, their excitement was palpable.

Who doesn't recognize a Zebra, right??

More pictures and a funny/not so funny story tomorrow!


  1. It was very hot and humid here yesterday as well. I went out to get the mail and felt like I could melt. A nice, air-conditioned ride through the safari sounds like a wonderful adventure for a very hot day. Looks like several animals were enjoying the heat either in water or saying out on the cool ground. Terrific pictures.

  2. Gorgeous creatures. Stay cool, Debbie.

  3. That would be such fun. I drove over to the preserve this morning but it was too hot to walk for very long. It sure is hard to stay inside so much. I love this place! Pick me up on your way over next time! lol

  4. We went on one of these on our trip to Ohio after our family reunion, Greg hasn't posted pictures yet, we took most of them on our phones, they gave us food to feed them, it was a bit scary, but also neat to see them so close up. As hot as it was I am surprised how many were out and about, looks like they had plenty of water and nice they have big areas to keep out of the sun if they chose that.

  5. This is another place I always enjoy! Really nice animals. The elephants do look super excited! LOL!

  6. Well, I am really looking forward to your story tomorrow. These were great!
