
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Let's Talk About The Weather

We have experienced all four seasons in New Jersey in just the last week...

- Winter -
On March 28th, it snowed and my Spring Tulips were covered with the white stuff.

Is this a winter or spring picture?

- Spring -
March 23rd, my Daffodils were in full bloom,
and it was 60 degrees outside.

- Summer -
On March 24th, shorts were in order, the temperatures were in the low 70's.

- Fall -
We had cool crisp temperatures on April 2nd and an open field near home looked like this.

We have had several days where the skies looked like this...
here's hoping that April Showers really do bring May flowers.

- spring is a new season, a perfect opportunity to do something new, something bold & beautiful -


  1. That's too many changes in one week! Our Kansas birds were confused for awhile, along with the tulips. Linda in Kansas

    1. forget about the birds, I'M CONFUSED!!! we never know what to expect...and the weather people are no help!!!

  2. That's March for you! You will have wonderful May flowers.


  3. That looks and sounds like typical Manitoba weather. Right now we have a strong wind outside.

  4. Replies
    1. hehehehe, yes, but if he wore them today he would freeze!!!

  5. Debbie - yes, the weather is quite changeable at the moment. We have had balmy temperatures and rain, followed by a harsh frost and snow. I had started working in the garden, and of course, all of that has come to a screeching halt. Soon enough it will be here for real.

  6. Hello,
    Our weather is much the same here. I love your tulips, very pretty. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Weather this time of year is always interesting. That sky in the last shot is quite something!

  8. It has been crazy hasn't it, is this our new way, the forecast not knowing what season it is, and I so feel for the south who has been getting slammed with tornado after tornado this past week. We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow morning turning to rain :O

  9. Mother nature is sure funny when we get so many different seasons in just one short week. Wonderful images of the changing seasons this week.

  10. Our weather has been less than desirable lately! Expecting a freeze tonight. I hope your flowers make it! We're still a few weeks off from garden planting, but looking forward to it.

  11. Oh my goodness, your post is wonderful and it describes my weather as well, and some days it seems we experience all four seasons in one day. It's maddening, but all things must come to an end and spring will rule, Right?

  12. Talk about changeable weather !!
    Great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  13. Our weather here has been somewhat the same as yours and it continues. I really am looking forward to warmer with and and more flowers for sure. I thought your photos were lovely and showed your thoughts perfectly. Blessings and hugs!
