
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Spring Cleaning

If you have not been doing some heavy cleaning, a little each week this winter,
Spring Cleaning is probably in order.
I have been doing some each week, concentrating on the rooms we use the most.
Here is a...
which will help out with this grueling task.
Some of the items listed, I do all of the time, others are no longer needed.
I don't think anyone needs to defrost their freezer, so you can start with a check there.
I have never "deep cleaned my dishwasher" and I "clean the microwave" all the time.
- check, check -
These are some suggestions, a great place to get started...
you can add things you feel need to be done to customize the list.
If you don't have children, you can cross off a whole section at the start.

Once you are done, or while you are cleaning, 
simmering these items
in a pot of water...
is sure to make your home smell lovely!

Once you're done,
try to keep up with your chores by using this chart.
Be sure to have the husband help out, he lives there too!


  1. I like the reminder list. It follows what I do anyway, almost perfectly.

  2. That's a good reminder list :)

    All the best Jan

  3. I have a feeling that cleaning will be a very light one this year, as everything was freshly panted last summer.

  4. I don't have a chart, but my cleaning schedule pretty much matches that. I do usually clean out the fridge once a week when I get groceries.

  5. I have to have lists to motivate me. I do most of the cleaning...but I am so fortunate that my hubby is the cook. (He's really good at it too) (and he enjoys it... Believe me I am ever so thankful.

  6. Hello,
    Having a reminder list is good. I like a clean house and one that smells good too.
    Take care, have a great day!

  7. I have put off quite a few of the heavy cleaning, like pulling everything out and sweeping underneath, I should because I would probably find a lot of cat toys :) The windows have been put off but there are a lot of cat nose marks that need to come off, just not enough hours in a day, it is all I can do to keep up with the normal every day things

  8. I clean nearly every single day of my life! And I always make the bed.....unless I don't and that's usually because I'm planning on getting back IN it!!

  9. I have to say, Debbie, just looking at that Spring Cleaning Checklist was a bit overwhelming. As for the Keep it clean list, I do most of that... except maybe the clean baseboards.

  10. Great check list. I actually do one drawer/shelf clean in my refrigerator every week when I do my deep cleaning of my kitchen. That way it does not get too bad and I don't have to do a full refrigerator clean.

  11. Wow, thanks for this one; it's a great check list. I used to be very organized and now I am rather random. I did get a day timer recently. I used one a lot while raising kids. I am in hopes of getting back in the organized grove. You are an inspiration as always.
    Blessings and hugs!
