
Friday, March 11, 2022

February Recipe

 "I am so far behind, I thought I was first"
I love that quote, but it doesn't generally apply to me.
I am usually quite organized...but I have been a little uninspired with this project.
Good thing I talked about it here, or I think I would have just abandon it.

Gooseberry Patch 12 Month Recipe Calendar
I vowed to make and post pictures of the recipe each month

February's Recipe 

Creamy Caramel Cappuccino

- the ingredient line-up -

- the mess -

- these were so good -

- let's drink to nothing in particular - 


  1. And life in general. Somebody’s got to drink it. It looks yummy!

  2. Looks good, but I would think the Bolthouse mocha cappuccino by itself would be good...

    1. Debbie, your spoon in the pic looks like my pattern... Michelangelo?

    2. long story about the spoon. when i was very young, i loved receiving mail, i still do. you may remember this, oneida (sp) tableware allowed you to send away for one spoon, for 50 cents so you could see the pattern and decide what you liked before you bought a whole set. so i use to send away for spoons, for 50 cents, i could afford that, and in turn, i would get mail. i still have 3 of those spoons and i love them. a "happy" memory from my childhood, i don't have a lot!!

    3. Wow! I wish Oneida sold their spoons for 50 cents now. I have the whole set of Michelangelo stainless and one place setting of it in Sterling. Love the pattern.

  3. I like how you put them into fancy glasses, makes them even more special :)

  4. Wow!! What a cool goal. That would be so much fun to do. I think they look so good.

  5. They look so delicious! I would ditch the straw and go for the mustache! x K

  6. They look good.

    All the best Jan

  7. I, on the other hand, resemble that quote fairly accurately!

  8. This was a fun post. I loved your photos of the ingredients and how you made them and the mess. Yes, it looks yummy to me.
    Blessings and hugs!
