
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Flurries Of Fun

Hi folks, those who do not adore the snow may not want to hang around today.
I happen to be in love with snow...
and as I mentioned yesterday, Friday we had a spectacular snow storm receiving about 6 inches of snow.

It was the kind that coated every branch of every tree...

The girls that live next door came over to help with snow removal.
Totally not necessary but they seemed pretty happy to help.



 - winter is a season of preparation and recovery -


  1. Hello Debbie,:=) I love looking at snow pictures, and these are all pretty captures, especially on a clear day with a blue sky. What kind, and lovely looking girls your neighbours are. They seem to be enjoying themselves. Have a great day!

  2. That snow is pure art!
    Both the girls look very happy to help!
    Here always more windy!
    Have a good day.

  3. Hi Debbie,
    I'm with you! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE snow! Here is Bucks County, we too, got about 6 inches! It was lovely! That was very sweet of your neighbors to help with the shoveling. Hugs to you both!

    1. hi jean, it was indeed beautiful, but it is all gone today (Tuesday)!! i think i like it best this way, i don't like the way it looks when it hangs around too long and is black everywhere!!

      thanks for stopping by!! i say that as if you don't come by every day and i am pretty sure you do!! take care of yourself and the husband....this next week is going to be an inside week!!

    2. You're right - I do stop by everyday! Your blog is one of my FAVORITES!!!! Take good care and stay warm!!

  4. I love the look of those snow covered trees. The wind makes short work of that here usually. Wonderful neighbours!

  5. Hello,
    Pretty snowy scenes, I love the blue skies too. It is nice of your neighbors to help you.
    Have a great day!

  6. Breathtakingly beautiful, Debbie! I wish you guys would quit hogging all the snow. I want some!

    "winter is a season of preparation and recovery"

    This is profound.

  7. Those girls are really adorable! What beautiful smiles! Love seeing your snow pics too! Stay warm....stay inside!

  8. You had the perfect kind of snow!!

  9. Hi Debbie,
    I LOVE snow!! Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL... How I wish we got snow here...I miss... The young ladies next door were so nice to come and help.. Pretty young women...

  10. Really nice pictures, Debbie... and you are so lucky to have good neighbors like that.

  11. I admit that winter is not my favorite season but these photos are gorgeous. The trees are really beautiful covered in snow.

    You sure have some very nice neighbors, too! :)

  12. I don't love being in the snow but I do love looking at beautiful Winter pictures. And yours certainly are. Sweet shovel crew you have there !

  13. So nice of the girls to come and help.

    All the best Jan

  14. That is a beautiful snow. I'm guessing it is not too cold as well. I love snow, but could be quite happy with less cold than we have.

  15. Winter is the season of good neighbours!

  16. Replies
    1. the best!! they are so kind and have the funniest stories!!

  17. I just love when the snow sticks to all the trees because it just makes everything so clean and fresh. That is so sweet that the girls came over to help remove the snow:)

  18. I love your snow!!! Glad I got to see more pics of it before it disappears!!

  19. Beautiful photos! It's hard to beat fresh snow and blue sky! Glad you have good neighbors!

  20. Helpers! WooHoo! I do enjoy the snow too, not so much driving in it though, and your poor little snow, covered plant is probably wondering what in the world happened! I believe your sign let it snow worked!
