
Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve

 The days seem like they are passing by at lightning speed.

The girls saw the big guy...

Addie in her Christmas pj's...
"Naughty - Nice - I tried"


We baked cookies and decorated gingerbread houses,
always on the night Santa visits.
It is a tradition that we always spend this night together, 
and I never miss it!

My cookie jar is full...

and I made these cookies for the first time,
and fell in love.
They are made with fresh ginger and molasses.
In the blog post, Karen says they are chewy,
mine are crisp, 
a little chewy in the centers but only since I covered them in wrap.

I finished wrapping the presents more than a week ago.
I only buy for the little ones,
some live far away and those I mail.

I mailed my Christmas cards more than a week ago also!

- may you never be too old to search the skies on christmas eve -


  1. Hello,
    The cookies look delicious! Cute shots of your nieces.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Merry Christmas Debbie. I think the girls are so cute. Makes me miss my four girls at that age. LOL I like the tradition you have with your family. Blessings for a great New Year. xoxo, Susie
    p.s. I am ready for butterflies. :)

    1. hi susie...i'm ready too!!! merry christmas, i hope you have a wonderful holiday with your amazing girls!!

  3. Debbie, those girls are adorable! Cookies look delicious ... and I love the gold wrapping paper!

  4. Great memories being made there and lovely traditions, so glad you all can be together :)
    Wishing you and Chuck a very Merry Christmas!!

  5. Peace and joy to you this Christmas, Debbie!

  6. What a fun tradition!! Have a great Christmas!!

  7. I loved reading your fun family moments. The photos are beautiful. Those girls are precious. You captured the true meaning of love in these Christmas thoughts and activities.
    Merry Christmas dear friend!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way~

  8. Your nieces are adorable, so glad that they met the "real" St. Claus!
    The cookies look delicious.
    Merry Christmas!!!!

  9. Such a lovely tradition !
    Merry Christmas to you and your family !

  10. Beautiful little girls and great pictures with them making cookies for Santa. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. How fun! Love the smiles! Have a very Merry Christmas!
