
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Trains

Can anyone handle "one more Christmas themed post"?

You can? 


The town of Spring Lake has a Christmas Train Display every year, and we go, every year.
They did not set it up last year because of Covid, but they did this year...
I wanted to go but was concerned about being in such close contact with other people and children.
We went on a Thursday evening around 4:30 and had the entire place to ourselves.
There was not one other person I had to knock down share the area with to get my photographs.
I don't really ever knock anyone down...

So, here it is...the beautiful Christmas Train Display in Spring Lake, New Jersey

- believe -


  1. Hello,
    The Christmas train displays are beautiful. You picked a great time for your visit and to take photos.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Take care, have a great day!

  2. This is entirely too much Christmas!

  3. Awesome train display! We have one here in the Mall. I took our granddaughter the year before the pandemic hit. I don't think it was open last year and I have no idea about this year as we don't go to the mall much now.

  4. I always wonder if there is another dimension within such villages where a whole other world exists. Lol. It’s fun to let one’s imagination go wild.

    Great photos. You picked the perfect time to go there. Experience pays off.

  5. Such wonderful detail including a Farris wheel!

  6. MERCY!!!---THAT IS A AMAZING! That even tops the gingerbread houses!!! I could spend HOURS at this display. Wow--all the detail!!

  7. Wow that is amazing and beautiful. My dad had a model train set but nothing that elaborate.

  8. Also I found a website today that I thought you would enjoy looking at since you like purple so much.

  9. Beautiful Christmas Train display.
    Merry Christmas �� to you and to your family and a Happy New Year.

  10. Wow that is just totally amazing, I wonder how many years it took to collect all of that and then the time to set it all up, fantastic display!! That is nice you didn't have to knock anyone down, LOL! You always crack me up!!

  11. That is absolutely stunning! The detail for all the features in the town I've not seen before. I think the town outshines the train. They should leave it up all year. Thanks for taking us on your adventure. Linda in Kansas

    1. i agree!! the only person that was there, making some adjustments and adding a new piece....said it is taken down after new years. that takes 2 men, 60 hours. i assume it takes a long time to package everything up safely so it can be reassembled next year!! we have been enjoying this train display since 2016. the houses and stores are fashioned after many from the town of spring lake. i wish you could see it in person!!

  12. Debbie - MASSIVE! Do they take it down and put it together each time? Are many of the buildings replicas of buildings in Spring Lake? So cool! And I can never get enough of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. yes, it is taken down right after new years! that takes 2 men 60 hours. and yes, most of the homes and stores are replicas of those found in the town of spring lake. i'm so happy you enjoyed this!!

  13. This is just amazing, wonderful photographs.

    All the best Jan

  14. That's impressive! Sixty hours is no joke! Wow!

  15. What a great exhibit, so many sweet little scenes, like the postman on his bicycle. I did not see a nativity display, maybe it was there. Nice to hear that many of the buildings are replicas of the town of Spring Lake, this is a wonderful tradition. Glad you did not need to knock anyone down, ha ha. Merry Christmas.
