
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

 Last night we went for a drive around town to look at Halloween decorations.
Of course us, being us, we had to add a little competitiveness to it.

I found these Scavenger Hunts on-line, and that surely added to the fun.

- just a little hocus pocus -


  1. Wow!!!!-----they SURE DO DECORATE!!!!!

  2. Dear Debbie!

    I always look forward to your post with pictures of Halloween decorations.
    I watch them with great pleasure.

    Unfortunately, such decorations are not allowed in my country. The teacher has been removed from the school. He talked about this tradition during the lesson: in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain.
    Hugs and greetings from Poland:)

  3. Looks like a serious competition between neighbor houses! Just read the above blog response. Poland doesn't permit Halloween decorations? I know the Holocaust history is horrid, but that's interesting forbidding the decor nor even talking about it in class? Any possible input and education from Lucja-Maria? Linda in Kansas

  4. Debbie - fabulous! We are in the UK at the moment, and I have been amazed at the number of homes with Halloween decorations. When we lived here about 15 years ago, Halloween was virtually unknown. It was "tough" on our kids then not to be able to go around the houses for candy!

  5. Now THAT'S some serious Halloween decorating!! And it all looks so GOOD!

  6. Boy, you folks do decorations up seriously!

  7. wow you found a lot we have a few hear but nothing like what you found, you didn't say who won the scavenger hunt :)
    It just amazes me how much work people put into Halloween now

    1. hehehehe, oh Connie, it was a tie, kind of….I may have cheated, but don’t tell the hubs!!!!

  8. Your city becomes magic in the night. The decorations are wonderful.
    Unfortunately here the house are not decorated and, of course, there are not scavengers hunters.

  9. Thanks for sharing these fun Halloween yard photos. I have always loved your enjoyment of Halloween. You are and amazing and have such a fun personality. I know you bring great joy to your husband and family.
    Sending hugs your way!

  10. Those were fun and you two always have the best time doing stuff together.

  11. Those are cool! I'm not a Halloween junkie, but it's always fun to see how people go all out for the different holidays.
