
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Come on Safari

More wildlife from our recent Safari.
Some I don't know, they all had identification signs but often I did not see them.
The animals are beautiful and look to be well cared for.
They have a large area of both open space and wooded areas for them to live and roam.

The elephants were called by name by their trainer, they responded quickly to being fed.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul has not been awakened!


  1. You've captured these animals so well, very enjoyable to see.

    Changing the subject a little. I was talking about you to the grandchildren this afternoon. They have just released some butterflies, I think it was four, they were so excited. I mentioned you, and your nickname 'the butterfly whisperer' which they thought was wonderful, especially when I also told them you'd released over twenty (hope I got the number right?). I will (hopefully) do a little blog post about it in the next few days.

    Hoping your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

  2. Beautiful pictures.The blue on the peacock is just amazing.

  3. Gorgeous. I always wonder if the horns get in the animals way. The colours of the peacock are gorgeous.

  4. Amazing photos of all the animals. We have Zoo here, but I don't think we have some of these animals. Especially, the ones with horns. We do have bears and polar bears. it's been a while since we have been there, so there may be more. You inspire me to make a trip to the zoo. I do love animals.
    blessings and hugs!

  5. Beautiful pictures of wonderful animals....
    I do love all of them!

  6. I love reading your blog posts as they are very creative and informative. Can i get something on Forensic Microscope as well ?.Thanks !!

  7. These are great Debbie. Always happy to hear that the animals have plenty of space to roam.

  8. It does look like a great park, the one over in Missouri had a sink hole in it and all the lake water is gone, I haven't heard what they have done with it since, poor animals. The water there looks like it is nice and deep for them :)

  9. Debbie - the zebra series is very special!!! And the horns/antlers on some of those animals are incredible! I enjoyed going on safari with you!

  10. Beautiful! They have some big eaters! I wonder how much food they go through annually?

  11. You do take the most amazing photos! These are gorgeous photos of all the animal creatures.

  12. The safari is wonderful, great variety of animals. I love the the elephants, zebra, rhino and giraffes. Your photos are awesome.
    I have been away from the computer, I hope all is well. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  13. Great fasting and wonderful animals.
    Your photos are great.
    Dear Debbie, are you okay?
    Happy new week :)

  14. Wonderful photo ops for your talented hands and eye with a camera!! They do look well cared for!

  15. You got some amazing photos! When we were in Europe in 2019 we went to the zoo and we saw some Zebra but they were all the way at the other side of the enclosure - these look so close! :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

  16. Oh my.. so many great animal pictures. Looks like such a wonderful time.

  17. You ok Debbie???---missing your posts

  18. Hope all is well. Missing ur great stories, adventures & pics. 💜

  19. Hi Debbie, just checking in. Hope all is well and looks like a lot of us are concerned. I'll keep checking in. Big hug xo

  20. You have some amazing photos of these animals. Super fun to look at them.

  21. Are you o.k? I am worried about you!
