
Monday, May 3, 2021

Today I Can Do Anything

So cliche' right?

But think about it and believe that today, you can do anything.
You can't really, but if you believe it, 
I believe you can do so much more than you ever thought you could.

My seeds are doing well...

I may have been a little over ambitious when it came to these VegTrugs,
perhaps one would have been enough.

The plants are getting all tangled indoors and really need to get outdoors and into the raised gardens.
I will plant everything outdoors Mother's Day weekend, one week to go.

My Black Swallowtail Butterflies continue to emerge,

I have released 12 so far.

Some are reluctant or hesitant to fly off right away...
so I always give them plenty of time.
It is amazing to watch them soar,
I always feel so happy and a bit proud.

This nest was in our retractable awning, 
it had to come out as the birds have destroyed the awning several times.
We have been taking the nest out every day, but every day they build a new one in the exact same spot.
I am heartbroken about this, I did not know it had eggs in it...
we have placed it close by and hope that the mom will come back to care for the eggs.

I found this pretty nest while trimming my roses.

I have so much to write about and so many pictures to has been good!!


  1. Hello,

    The plants looks great! Love your beautiful butterflies! Wonderful collection of photos. Have a happy day!

  2. You sound so upbeat and positive. The world could use a dose of that right now. So sad about the eggs though. Meanwhile, the swallowtails are such gorgeous creatures. You do so much for them.

  3. We are planting this coming weekend as well. The late season frost advisories are getting annoying! The butterflies appear to be doing quite well! You aren't the only one dealing with bird nests in bad locations.

  4. Everything looks wonderful at your house, plants and butterflies and so sorry about the nest, hopefullyy the mother will come back.

  5. Debbie, keep us updated on the 'eggs'. What kind of eggs do you think they are? It may be the camera light, but they look almost silver with brown spots. Love the VegTrugs... hope to get some myself for our side yard. And I know how wonderful it is to help the Black Swallowtails. There's something magical about releasing them... into the sun. And your seeds are looking great!

    1. the eggs are/were sparrow eggs, i have watched them come and go for weeks. i am not exaggerating when i say that we took the nest down every day. we have tried several solutions to "keep them out", so far, nothing has worked. we placed the nest and eggs in the VegTrugs and moved it closer to the exact spot where they built the nest. the next day, the eggs were gone. it's so sad....

      we have replaced the fabric to the awning twice because of holes from the birds, $ 1,400.00 each time. we have tried the solutions from the awning people, none worked. i have googled it again to see if they have any new products!!

  6. It looks like your plants are all ready for a bigger space. Later you can enjoy the veggies and such.

  7. Your plants are coming along wonderfully.
    What a beautiful butterfly..

  8. You are doing well with the butterfly releases.
    Great photographs again, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  9. I do love your life and all that you have going on!!

  10. Wow your plants are doing great, they will need room, you will be happy you have that much room.
    Those birds can be stinkers, they pecked away to our roof, hubby had to add bird spikes to stop them, it seems to have worked!
