
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Spring Scents...

 The house is filled with the scent of spring...

Little vases like these are sprinkled all about the house.

These came from my Jose Lilac Bush
When you walk past the bush outdoors or any of these little vases,
 the scent is overwhelming.

The Kwanzan Cherry Trees were exceptionally pretty this year.
I took so many pictures while they were in bloom.
I'm happy I did as they are fading now.

Hasn't spring been lovely?

We went to an outdoor craft festival this past weekend.
I can't tell you how good it felt to be outdoors, walking around
and listening to great music.
These guys are regulars at this festival every year in Ocean Grove.

If everyone started the day off singing ~ just think how happy they'd be!


  1. Lilacs aren’t in bloom yet on the island. Your blooms are gorgeous.

    It must have felt so good to be out and doing something ‘normal.’

  2. Super post Debbie, love those pretty blooms and the music must have been very enjoyable. I agree with the last sentence.

  3. I know the smell of lilacs is wonderful, unfortunately , by now I rely on my memory, as I can't smell much any more.

  4. Oh, I can't wait for the Lilacs here!

  5. It is supposed to not rain tomorrow and I plan on picking some of our Lilacs to bring in the house also :)
    Oh wow the cherry trees are beautiful, love the softness of the petals. So great you were able to get out and go to a festival, it is so nice to have things going back to normal!

  6. Lovely post! I love the smell of lilacs!

  7. Hooray for being able to get out and about :0)

  8. Such wonderful blooms.

    All the best Jan
