
Thursday, May 20, 2021

A Walk On The Beach

The hubs and I are are still in "very careful mode".
We have eaten out in a restaurant a few times, using outdoor tables only.
It feels so good and the food tastes extra special delicious!

This past Saturday we took a drive to Howe Street Beach in Bay Head, it was so beautiful.
The water was so clear, 
cleaner and clearer than I have seen it in such a long time.
The air was crisp and fresh, with just a hint of salt making sure you knew you were at the beach.

The beach artist has been busy, adding a flag and turtle to the area where the... 

Dolphin and Whale Tale are.

This Laughing Gull was very interested in what we were doing... 

and we weren't doing anything very interesting!!

The ocean is everything I want to be, Beautiful, Mysterious, Wild and Free!


  1. Love that beach. It looks pristine. The beach art is so pretty.

  2. That beach is so pretty and loved the flag!!!

  3. Outstanding photos Debbie, love everything to do with the beach and love looking out to sea. That beach artist is very talented.

  4. Lovely views of the beach and I like the beach art too.

    All the best Jan

  5. Beautiful! That water looks amazing.

  6. Isn't it wonderful we can start off the summer with more freedom and feeling of protection. The beach looks great, always love the shell art, the flag is my favorite, so glad you had a wonderful day out!

  7. Fabulous, Debbie! It does feel that things are getting back to normal, and what a wonderful feeling it is! Loved the beach art!

  8. Hello Debbie,
    A walk on the beach is wonderful, I love the shell art and the Laughing Gull. Beautiful photos. Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  9. I think you are beautiful, mysterious and kind of wild and free. At least you do lots of fun things. I loved the beach photos and the Laughing gull. I think the beach artist renditions of shell art are spectacular.
    Sending hugs your way!

  10. Beautiful, indeed! The artist is quite talented!

  11. Oh my gosh look how blue the water is. Being near to the port of Liverpool, ours is a sludgy brown colour. I love the shell art it's so creative. :0)
