
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Saturday Critters ~ 383 ~

 2 drives around Lake of the Lilies,
I always seem to find more to photograph on the second go around than I do on the first.
This past Friday was no exception.

This Hybrid Duck "seems" to be sitting in a nest.
The nest looks so big, I wonder if it hijacked a swans nest?

Nap time at the lake, the hubs was a tad jealous!

Another Hybrid Duck, there are a lot in this lake.

There were three American Coots left, they should be leaving any day!
You can see their prehistoric looking feet in these pictures.

Still only 2 Swans have returned in a lake where there were probably 30 last summer.
I hope we see more soon!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Beautiful birds! You took great photos on your drive.

  2. More lovely photos. I love the one with the swan. We used to have swans on the pond where we lived in Scotland. We don't get any here, living so close to the city. :0(

  3. Great photos again. The hybrids are fascinating. So are the coots. I have never see them here. And who doesn’t love a swan?

  4. howdy there Debbie, I love all the pictures from the lake from the past two posts....but that second one from today's post....oh my gosh, THAT IS SO AMAZING, love it. So close and all the feather details. Y'all got adventures planned this weekend?

  5. Hello, Debbie
    It is good to go around a second time, I usually miss things too. Great variety of ducks, swans and the coots. Loved the photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. They are all beautiful...but the Swan is something we never get to see here so it's my fav today. I think your link to critters is for last week...check and see what you think! Lots of hugs!

    1. oooops, i did it again. thanks for letting me know!!

  7. So cool, fun to see which ones are hanging out each time you go, wow the feet on those American coots are something else, neat that you were able to get those pics of them!

  8. The Coot feet are really something! I always love your pics!

  9. Love the coots! They are comical on land. Only two swans? That's a big drop from last year. Maybe some of the others are just late.

  10. I've not noticed Coot feet before so thank you for pointing them out.

    All the best Jan

  11. The Swans are so elegant. I enjoyed the Hybrid Duck photos and the American Coots are an interesting bird. I love the variety of birds that you see there.
    Blessings and hugs!
