
Thursday, January 14, 2021


As some of you may have noticed, 
I have been missing in action for the past few days. 
A kidney stone, a few days in the hospital, and now I am back home, minus one stone.
I just wanted to let you all know...
I hope to be hanging out the window again soon.

I took this picture of the Male Downey Woodpecker the day before I got sick.


  1. I was wondering, yes. I hate those stones of yours.

  2. Ouch...hope you are fully recovered, Debbie! Take care.

  3. Oh, ouch! Well, better days are ahead. Take care of yourself.

  4. Oh, I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG.......sure hope you're feeling much much better and the dang stone is blasted and gone gone gone!! Feel better soon my friend!!PS nothing hurts like a kidney stone, does it?

  5. Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery!

    1. thanks jean, i am getting there. what i really need is a hot air balloon ride or balloon festival. but for now, kind messages from friends are working well!! xo

  6. Hello Debbie,
    I am sorry you were not feeling well, a have heard the kidney stones are very painful. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Take care, have a happy day and weekend!

  7. I know a lot of people that have had them and are very happy to be rid of them. Wish you a speedy recovery.

  8. Replies
    1. thanks karen, being back home has been good, a little of a slow go. no one wants to be in the hospital, especially during these covid times but the stone was stuck and needed to be removed surgically. i am feeling better/stronger each day and look forward to getting back to normal!! xo

  9. Hello Debby, I wondered what had happened to you. So sorry that the reason for your absence was a stay in hospital and a kidney stone. I have heard they can cause excruciating pain, so Feel better soon. I love your striking photo of the male Downey Woodpecker.

  10. So sorry to hear that you were in the hospital, Debbie. My cousin has had several kidney stone episodes over the years. I know from her how painful they can be. Hope you are soon feeling better and are well on your way to your old self. Take care!

  11. Good to hear you are on the mend. Those birds are waiting for the lady with the camera, so they can pose.

  12. I had been wondering ...

    Sending lots and lots of get well wishes to you.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS I like the Male Downey Woodpecker

  13. Oh no I was thinking maybe you two got away or you just ran out of things to share for a few days, I know I haven't been able to post every day.
    I sure hope you are feeling much better, and glad you are back home!
    Take care and get your rest!

  14. Kidney stones are terrible.
    Hope you are feeling better now.
    I wish you good health and a happy weekend.

  15. Very glad to hear you are home! I hope you are back to full speed soon!

  16. I hate to hear that! I know how painful they can be! The first time I had one, I didn't know what in the world was wrong and I was in SO much pain. Hubby took me to the emergency room. Now I try to be careful but of course you can still get another one. I hope and pray you are feeling better this weekend. Take care and get lots of rest. Sweet hugs, Diane

  17. Oh, my dear friend, I am happy you are home, but kidney stones are not fun. My husband has had those and I know they are super painful. I will be praying that your recovery goes well.
    My husband was retested and I was tested for Covid yesterday. He is still recovering from Pneumonia. He was in the hospital for 3 days. He was tested for Covid but came back negative. He had a CT scan that showed the classic Pneumonia for Covid. So we were tested yesterday. This is a strange one for sure. He has done pretty well. We have been in Quarantine for 10 days.
    As always, I loved the photo of that beautiful bird.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs your way!

  18. Debbie I am very glad you are 1 stone less and home again. Keep safe and well

  19. I'm so sorry, Debbie. I hope you're doing better every day.

    Love you!
