
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday Critters ~ 369 ~

 Tuesday's ride in the car included a trip to 
Lake of the Lilies
I was hoping to see the Male Wood Duck as I knew he had arrived there for winter.
He spent last winter with us but was often difficult to find and always difficult to photograph.

We came around the smaller corner of the lake and I first saw the Female,
she was not with us last winter.
Surrounded by Mallards, it was super difficult to get a picture.

Then I saw him...the Male,

and he saw me...

here, showing off his beautiful back.

I wish he had gone for a swim but it was nice to see and photograph all of him.

And here's the Mrs.
She is so tiny and so beautiful in her own way.

Her back is quite beautiful as well, her feathers have an iridescent quality to them.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Wow Debbie, some fantastic photos there! The colours of the male are stunning!

  2. I smiled a lot at these photos. He is so handsome but she is gorgeous and the females are not photographed as often as the males. sadly I have yet to see them in nature.

  3. Hello Debbie,

    Fantastic captures of both the male and female Wood Ducks. They are beautiful ducks! I have not seen the wood ducks lately. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  4. WOWZA! You took amazing photos! I featured some today but we weren't very close to them. We had 'gators at our feet. haha! Glad you got to see these. I know they are a favorite for us both! Happy weekend my friend!

  5. Wow, he posed for you? stunning captures! Thank you for coming by and commenting about the snow. Purple is my faovirte color to wear, ultramarine is my favorite color to paint:) Great to have met you this way, Debbie! Jesh

  6. Your pics are astounding! Thanks for showing them. Amazing.

  7. That male Wood Duck is just a spectacular bird. Your pictures show him so well.

  8. Hi Debbie, Wonderful photos ... stunning colors! Congrats on the great captures. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your kind comment on my blog. John

  9. Replies
    1. thanks susan, so nice to see you today. i really appreciate the kind comment!!

  10. Gorgeous! I love the front photos! Wood Ducks have such beautiful colors.

  11. Great shots, Debbie. I don't usually get to see these birds out of the water. They were modeling for you, I think!

  12. Oh wow such awesome pics of him on land, I just can't get over how many different colors he has and everything so unique, just amazing and neat to get him with the Mrs. :)

  13. Oh a big WOW from me.
    Fabulous photographs, I just love seeing these ducks, their markings and colourings are so wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  14. Wow, these are magnificent photos of the Mallards. The male is spectacular, but I find the female stunning. I love the blue colors. She is beautiful in a different way for sure.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!
