
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 360 ~

 I saw him - finally...

The Male Wood Duck

here for the winter at Lake of the Lilies.
It never gets old seeing him, it is never less of a thrill!

While waiting for him to make his appearance, 

this Juvenile Cooper Hawk flew right by me, 
(thanks Brian)

I could hear it soar past me, I could feel the breeze!

Another thrill!

I also saw a Male American Wigeon

and many Male, and Female Ruddy Ducks

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Gorgeous ducks! Woodies have so much great color! I like the muted colors of the wigeon and ruddy. I could be wrong, but it appears your hawk is a juvenile Cooper's.

    1. thanks brian, i will correct it. i looked at that picture, but the hawk was so big as it flew by, i thought it was too large to be a juvenile. but the chest markings are more like the cooper! and many thanks for your kind comment about the ducks, they are not muted, just terrible pictures, but of course i will go back and see if i can do better!!

  2. Persistence paid off. I’ve never seen one of those wood ducks. Incredible markings. The hawk is quite a catch too. Beautiful photos as usual, Debbie.

  3. Great images De bbie and I am glad your wood duck is back. I was trying to find out why it is also called the Carolina duck but was unsuccessfully in that search. Perhaps you know? I hope you have a lovely weekend

  4. Hello. Wonderful birds and great photos. The feathers of the Wood duck are wonderfully colored.
    Have a nice weekend. Take care.

  5. Stunningly Award Winning Photos - Also, Amazing Progress On The New Building - Congrats - Be Well This Weekend


  6. Those juvie hawks can be so hard to ID and are so BIG! We haven't seen this one down here but maybe we will some day. We saw the wood ducks this week too. You take the most beautiful photos! WOW! Happy weekend!

  7. Hello, Debbie

    Your male Wood Duck is beautiful. I love all your birds and ducks. Cool captures of the Hawk, Wigeon and the Ruddy ducks. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. Love your woody shots! Miss my waterfowl.

  9. Debbie, Gee honey, what other water bird wouldn't think he was an ugly duckling looking at the beautiful wood duck. I could look at him all day. I love your pictures. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. Wood Ducks are so beautiful Debbie and your photos are perfect! Great shots of the juvie red=tail too!...:)jp

  11. I saw a juvenile hawk on Thursday which I am still not sure about - it could be a Cooper's. Great shots as usual.

  12. That Wood Duck is worth the wait. Just such a gorgeous bird.

  13. YAH!!! glad you found him and got such a great photo, that must have been so cool to get that close to the hawk to feel the breeze from him, sounds like you had a very exciting day that's for sure, how fun!! I get real excited too, the old heart gets a good beating :)

  14. Beautiful Wood Duck photos! Love seeing the hawk and the other duck and wigeon too!
    Have a blessed day!

  15. Debbie those are beautiful photos! What a handsome duck! :))

  16. Wonderful sightings and photographs.
    Just love the colouring/marking of the wood duck.

    All the best Jan

  17. Great images! The first 2 are spectacular!!

  18. Wow, those first two photos are magnificent and the other birds are stunning too. Please publish a bird book. You take such amazing photos.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
