
Thursday, November 19, 2020

How's The Deck Going...

 it's going slow!
The guys pulled off Monday and Tuesday to repair a roof,
they are back today, Wednesday.

This is how it looks now, you can see the deck follows the lines of the house.
If you happen to be new here, we are replacing our existing deck.

They did not remove the old boards, they just added new ones,
and reinforced the old ones.

On to the new building,
 it is complete and we have received a Certificate of Occupancy.
We started in early July and received our CO on November 16th.
The building is 10,000 square foot.

Tenants who rent from us in our other buildings on this property have rented the space.
This is what would be two units but this tenant needed both.
It can easily be divided in the future, if for some reason this tenant moves out.
There are two bathrooms and two offices in the space pictured.

There is an upstairs,
the brown railings were the tenants idea, I would have painted them white.

The place looks beautiful, we had epoxy put on the warehouse floors.

Each unit comes with a bathroom and a small office.
We find our tenants need more warehouse space than office space.

The other side is rented as well to one of our existing tenants.
This is building number 7 on this 7.5 acre piece of property in Lakewood, New Jersey.

This is the back of the building.

Here is a look at the building that caught fire, it is moving along with a lot of hard work and dedication.

This is how it looks inside.

Now that the new building is done, we can focus all of our attention here.
And that attention means working with/yelling at all of the subcontractors to do what they said they were going to do, and being here when they said they would!
The hubs is good at that!

What a task this has been, so time consuming, I am so happy the new building is done!


  1. Hello,
    I am sure it is a relief to have the new building done and tenants are moving in. Your new deck will be beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. The new building looks wonderful and am sure it is good to have it finished. It is a big job overseeing a huge building project. Can't wait to see the new deck finished as well.

  3. Your deck is going to be so nice! You have a beautiful home and I know you love all of that outdoor space too. How great to see the buildings that burned built back....what a good feeling! Take care my friend and enjoy your day! Don't hurts my head! hahahahaha!

  4. Debbie, I am so happy you are getting a new deck. You are keeping people in jobs there. The warehouse/offices are really nice. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  5. A project like this is a major undertaking and is exhausting because of the planning, pricing, construction material issues, etc. A job well done on both the building space and the new deck!...:)jp

  6. It must be good to have that building completed. It went up quickly. Before long, all will be done. Great spaces!

  7. My goodness. You have been through a lot since last spring!

  8. A girl in my cardmaking group said that she had a hard time getting her fence finished being put up, they have so many jobs they are trying to do all at once. We need to get ours replaced also but figured we will wait until the spring now.
    The new building looks great, it will be nice when the one that caught fire can be fixed up too, bet it feels good to have one finished!

  9. No doubt the deck will look great once it's finished! This is a good time of year to replace it. The newly finished building is great and work on the burned building seems to be moving along even with Chuck having to keep after contractors. That's probably why it's moving along. :-)

  10. It must be a great relief that the new building is done, it does look good.

    All the best Jan

  11. I enjoy seeing a photo of your home. I know you will be happy when the deck is completed. Our home in Spokane had a lovely deck like this.
    Your building is really nice and I am happy that you can now rent it to the tenants. I know you will be so happy when the other building is completed. I can't imagine how hard it is to get everyone to do what they are suppose to do; when they need to do it.
    Blessings and hugs!

  12. WOW! You do have a lot going on all at once. I wish you well.
