
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 358 ~

We had rain and fog every day this past week...
not weather that inspires you to pick up the camera and hang out the window!
But watching my feathered friends through my office window,
 motivated me to take a break and spend a few minutes with the birds.

As I got up and opened the window, I lifted the camera to my eye to focus,
and a Red Bellied Woodpecker landed on the branch, right in front of my lens.
What luck, I got off 3 images before she flew off.

Next up...

A Male Downy Woodpecker

Then one very loud American Robin, I think this is a female.

And we have Bunnies, lots and lots of bunnies!

Another day in the books, we are happy and healthy and happy!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Isn't that bunny cute! And I love the sweet and petite! Are you putting up another link on Sat. Critters today? I think the one I went to was a link to last weeks post. Enjoy your day! Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

    1. thanks diane, yup, i was not paying attention. i sent a message to eileen to remove that one. i tried to do it BUT could not figure it out!!

  2. Hello Debbie,
    I took care of your other link. Your Red-bellied Woodpecker photos are gorgeous. I love the Sweet Downy Woodie and Robin images too. I love bunnies, so cute! We had the fog but not much rain here. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.

  3. Bunny! Love it. The bird photos are gorgeous as usual, especially the second one.

  4. Fantastic photos! It's great you have those natural perches and can get your shots from the house! Love the details!

  5. Well done! Sweet bunny and lovely bird visitors.

  6. Lovely birds and that bunny is so cute.
    It's been very wet in my part of the UK today and I've been spending time watching squirrels scampering about, I know not everyone likes squirrels but to me they have a certain cuteness.

    Happy Saturday and weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh my that bunny is the sweetest as are your delightful birds enjoying their surroundings. Lucky you with rain, I'd take that happily compared to 9 inches of snow that fell in my city Tuesday and is still here! Enjoy your weekend and hopefully we'll all get a lot more autumn before winter really settles in.

  8. That red bellied woodpecker is a real score. They're so shy I've never succeeded in getting a pic. They detect my movement inside the room and they're off!

  9. The bunny is so cute! I am still amazed at the detail you get in your pics. Every feathery detail stands out.

  10. Great shots. Like I've said before, the birds know just when to pose for you. LOL

  11. Greg loves foggy days, he gets so excited, but I know that if it is too thick that isn't fun. So good that you opened the window to get some pictures, great timing with the first bird, such terrific pictures and even love the bunny :)

  12. Awesome shots of the birds and the bunny. I think it would be fun to have bunnies around.

  13. That first bird looks like she flew in and posed just for you! I love the robin with her mouth wide open.....looks like she is singing her lil heart out with a big beautiful song! I loved seeing yesterday's post you put all the cards together. That is a great way to keep them all together and they are so pretty. You make such pretty things!!!

  14. Hello. Red bellied woodpecker and Downy woodpecker are so beautiful birds. Great photos.
    Take care.

  15. Ooooh bunny!!! Great photos Debbie!!! I love seeing woodpeckers!

  16. Some really great closeups of the birds, and the rabbit is a lovely bonus.

  17. These birds are so beautiful and the bunny is so cute!
    Great photos !
    Stay safe, dear friend !

  18. As always you get the best bird shots ever and that little bunny is the cutest. I did enjoy each of these spectacular birds.
    Sending hugs your way!

  19. Wonderful portraits of these sweet creatures!

  20. Yes, I agree with your other commenters, the bright colors and sharp details of your wildlife photos are amazing! You have the perfect "blind" by using your office window! Is the window open or closed?💖

    1. i open the window for pictures. there are 2 trees the birds land in, before they hit the feeders. those are the ones i aim for!!
