
Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Show, A Ride & Some Ice Cream

We have been getting out a little more lately and it feels really good.
Being very selective in what we do, we stay primarily to ourselves, in the car, 
away from other people.
When we can't, we wear our masks and maintain social distancing. 

We saw a concert here at The Algonquin Arts Theatre

The back theater doors were opened up, and the band played there. 
We sat in the back parking lot in spaces that were marked out on the pavement, 6 feet apart.
We brought our chairs and some snacks...

and the band "Spare Parts" entertained us under the stars, it was wonderful.

Sunday it was cool enough to take 
"The Bluebird of Happiness" 
for a spin in Spring Lake, it was a really beautiful day.

We stopped for ice cream at the Sunday Times.
I had a moca, chocolate almond chip, it was really delicious.

The hubs had mint chocolate chip, he gets that a lot.

We are happy and healthy and I hope my readers are the same.
It has been really good for me to get out,
I hope you all can find a few fun things to do.
If not, go for a ride in the car, 
I always find so many interesting things when we drive around.


  1. Hello,
    It feels good to get out and do something different, even the car ride. The concert sounds like fun. The ice cream looks delicious. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Getting out during these times is essential for us, Debbie. We can social distance and mask when essential but many places here we never see anyone. Out and about keeps us healthy.

    I love your bike. It’s a beauty. I still don’t have mine. Later this month I guess.

    I smiled when I saw the ice cream. We do the same after some of our excursions. Take care you two.

  3. What a cool bike! The ebikes are SO popular around here and I usually see a few on one of the trails I hike. It's very tempting to get one but then I wouldn't be able to mosey and take pics! lol Love that you got to listen to a concert. And you are right...everyone can get out on a car ride and see the sights. I mentioned you on my post this morning. You will smile! Hugs!

    1. funny...i think we were both commenting at the exact same time!!

  4. Yes getting out is the best and supporting the local business is top of the list too. Love your bike:)

  5. That is great you were able to enjoy the concert social distancing, it is so good to get mostly back to normal again.
    The ice cream looks great both of them :) Good to hear the weather is getting a bit better where you can get out and ride again.
    We are back down in the 80's for the next few days. I agree we need to be able to get out of the house if not only for a drive and you can usually find places that there are not people around.

  6. Great that here was an outside concert and I am with your husband on the ice cream!

  7. Ice-cream is always in order and the flavor is the one of your choice. I would be with you on the flavor choice.

  8. I have seen mint chocolate chip for years but just tried it this year Debbie. Tell your hubby, I love it too. LOL. Free music outside , sounds so fun to me. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. So glad you're feeling "happy and healthy". What more could one ask?

  10. Fantastic Post!!! Bands, Bikes, And Ice Cream!! Best Day Ever


  11. What a great way to spend the day. A concert would be fun and the ice cream, Yum!

  12. It is so good to get out and about.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs, nice to listen to the band.

    All the best Jan

  13. Looks like fun! Glad you found some entertainment. I'm a fan of mint chocolate chip, too!

  14. I do love your adventures outside. I think your bike is the best and would be so fun to take a spin in. Of course, I would choose the same ice cream cone as your hubby. It's one of my favorite flavors. Going to a concert is such fun. Today, I actually ventured out and went to a book club I belong too. It was held in a backyard with social distancing chairs and we had lunch and enjoyed discussing the book. We did wear masks too, except for eating time. It was fun to see these dear ladies that I love.
    Blessings and hugs!
