
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Delicious Orchard

Saturday afternoon we took a ride to Delicious Orchard.
This is such an amazing food market, everything is super fresh and oh so delicious. 
I am like a kid in a candy store, the hubs and I each have favorite items we like to be sure and get.

Apple Cider Donuts



Italy - Pasta Station





Seafood and Prepared Foods

Apple Cider

Fruits and Grapes

And look at all these vegetables...

Coffee & Tea

And if you would like to bring home fresh flowers, there are plenty of choices!


  1. Hello Debbie
    This food market looks great. Everything looks fresh and delicious. The breads look great too, I could spend some time shopping there. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Everything looks so clean, well stocked and not crowded.

  3. Did you make everyone move out of the way to take pictures??!!!! LOL!!!! I looks empty! It was crowded last time I was there.

    1. hehehehehe...have you met me?? if you bring and use the "good" camera, people think your pictures are official. plus giving everyone the "stink eye", standing in "the stance" that helps too!!! chuck would not walk with me if that gives you any clue, but it was not very crowded!!

  4. There are a couple of these, I think. I know one near Freehold. It smells wonderful as well as looking so good. I like honey from there.

  5. Everything looks so fresh and clean, what a beautiful store.

  6. Nature’s bounty so beautifully displayed. Great photos!

  7. Oh my! I can't imagine a place like that. I love nuts and I would go crazy over nuts! I would have a hundred dollars worth of just nuts! hahaha! Enjoy your day! Save me a nut!

  8. wow looks like they are stocked very well and all laid out so pretty, very pleasing to the eye, they weren't very busy though or did you knock everyone out, LOL! We are the same way certain stores carry things we just love :) We went to our Target last night to pick up milk and a couple extras and we were surprised how many shelves were empty

  9. What a wonderful place! Looks a bit like our Ham's Peach Orchard store, but about 10+ times as large. What a fun place to visit!

  10. As a grocers daughter, I just drool over a store like that. That is an amazing place. My goodness. I would love to visit a place like that. Beautiful pictures Debbie. You could do a magazine layout for that store I think. I would spend so much money.
    Its just awesome. I do love grocery stores. Its still my favorite thing to do when we go on trips.

  11. Love that place and those doughnuts!

    1. it's the best, right ruth!! i'm sure you have visited many times. things are back to normal here and the meat/cold cuts section is open again. and the outdoor grill and fritter shack, it was nice to see everything open again!!!

  12. Oh no, Debbie! Why do you do this to me? I just ate lunch, and now I'm hungry again! Thanks pal. :)

    All that aside, wow so many good looking things to buy; I love fresh vegetables! And, donuts!

    Sending hugs to you and hubs.

  13. WOW! I might have to get a truck to haul home everything I would buy at that place, oh and a bank loan as well. 😊

  14. Wow! Impressive! Arby's might "have the meats", but this place has everything!

  15. They Can Have Those Pretty Boats - I AM More Of A Market Merchandizer - Sending Positive Vibes Your Way


  16. Simply amazing, if I lived close by I would certainly visit :)

    All the best Jan

  17. The food market is magnificent. I loved all the photos. I wish we had one that look that good. I for sure would spend some time there.
    Blessings and hugs!

  18. Wow this place looks amazing and your pictures really show it off.
