
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Why I Love Summer

I love a good summer storm...

almost as much as I love this...

but definitely not as much as I love these!

I love summer because I can chase these beautiful 
Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies
around the yard.
They are favoring the Purple Butterfly Bush...

aren't they beautiful?

I love summer because...

the cucumbers...

and tomatoes are coming!

And because I don't believe this for one second.
Because the person who wrote this, has never gone out to their back yard,
picked and eaten a fresh grown tomato.


  1. They are all good reason to love summer! But the heat and humidity we get here makes me hate summer. I am a fall and winter person.

  2. You have every reason to love summer!
    Very nice photos!

  3. You are right about the tomatoes! There is nothing in the stores to compare to a homegrown tomato! I may go to the farmer's mkt this week. I'm hungry for a BLT! And I love hydrangeas. They are probably my favorite flower. Enjoy your day!

  4. Gorgeous photos, the rain, the tomatoes, everything! 🌸

  5. Home grown vegetable ae wonderful. My Granny used to have 2 enormous greenhouses of tomatoes and I used to love and sit and enjoy the smell in them. She sold them at her door when people can for milk (Those were the days when things were really fresh.

  6. Look at those vegetables!
    It must be nice living so close to the water.

  7. Oh my me too, I totally agree with you, and all of these photos rock!

  8. Summer can be rather good can't it!
    Loved seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. A good summer storm is wonderful. I don’t even mind some lightening and thunder.

  10. I love how You love summer time!! And YES to those home grown tomatoes and cucumbers!!!

  11. You tomatoes are ahead of mine. Don’t you love it when nature does the watering?

  12. Growing your own vegetables has no price!!

  13. Beautiful photos! You definitely have the butterflies! Our small cucumber patch went crazy and we recently harvested five very large cucumbers with more coming. We've also had radishes, banana peppers, and kohlrabi.

  14. There are so, so many reasons why I love summer! Love your photos, especially those of the storm....oh, and a glimpse of the pretty hydrangeas and butterflies enjoying the buddleias.

  15. Love your post, so many reasons to love summer!! That meme is too funny but I agree with you there is something about going out in your yard and picking the stuff fresh! And I save more than that because I freeze my peppers that I can't eat fresh and have enough to last me over the winter :)

  16. I too love summer for many reasons. I like all of yours. I love the flowers of summer and this year we have many more in our yard and it's been so lovely. You do get great shots of boats and I love seeing boats too. We used to have one and we loved boating.
    Free garden veggies are the best and they are worth the work.
    Sending extra hugs your way!
