
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Swimming Catbird

I featured a Catbird in the birdbath a few weeks ago,
these pictures, are not those pictures.
I thought this was a young Catbird that has been using the birdbath more for swimming and floating,
than it does for bathing.

The Gray Catbird is unmistakable if seen well.
It can be overlooked but has a distinctive cat like call after which it is named.
It is primarily gray with a black cap and a rusty colored undercarriage.
Sexes are similar and the Catbird visits me from May thru August.
It is a favorite of my friend Theresa, TexWisGirl.


  1. Hello, Debbie'
    What a great series on this wet Catbird. He/she is enjoying the bath. Hope your day is great!

  2. That is just adorable! I could be entertained all day with sights like this! I miss Tex and Fences! I think of it all the time when I take photos. Hope you are safe from the storm my friend! Take care! Batten down the hatches...I know you already did!!! Hugs!

  3. I had to google this cutie and it sounds like it's cry or song is something to enjoy! It sure is sweet looking. What a great day its having too!

  4. My goodness! That bird looks soaked right through.

  5. Wonderful series. He loves the “all about purple pool” !

  6. LOL! The last couple of photos are hilarious!

  7. I love the bird bath photos! Always!

  8. Awww lovely to see this series of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. Looks like he was really enjoying that water that's for sure, so sweet!
    Hope you have your power back!

  10. I love how you got action photos of the Catbird. They really are quite amazing.
    Blessings and hugs!

  11. so cute. i love it. what a sweetheart. great shots. ( ;
