
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Caring For The "Cats"

Caterpillars, that is...
The hubs calls them "cats"!
"Did you check the "Cats"?, did you feed the "Cats"?...
- did you clean the cage? -

The caterpillars have 3 activities, they eat, they sleep and they poop, a lot!

In this image I have just finished cleaning the cage, and given them fresh dill.

Here is one large and one small caterpillar, 
they start to eat immediately after I place the dill in the cage.

They usually arch this way and pull the dill up toward them when they eat.

First an egg...
then a caterpillar or feeding stage...
after eating a lot, the caterpillar stops eating,
looks for the perfect spot and forms this "J" hook.
You can see the silk they spin to hang from.

After a few days in the "J" hook, it forms into a chrysalis or pupa.

I do not know the exact time frames, I always have so many in the cage,
it is hard for me to keep track...
and I often think, what's the point anyway!!

The hubs and I both enjoy this so much, our first butterfly should be any day now.

We have 10 babies we just brought in, and so the next crop begins!


  1. Hello, Debbie

    It is great to be a part of raising the butterflies. You are doing a great job with the "cats".
    Take care,stay safe! Have a great day!

  2. Debbie, I loved the pictures of your caterpillars. Even then they have fancy colors. :) I love what you do to help with more butterflies in our world. The old place down the road ,with the house that is falling down, has a yard full of milkweed and we have seen many Monarch butterflies. Joy ! Blessings, be safe, xoxo, Susie

  3. Your a butterfly whisperer for sure. I LOVE these posts about your nursery, Debbie. Take care.

  4. Is there other people that do this too? Like maybe a group like bee keepers? Glad you enjoy it.

    1. i have learned through doing this that there are a lot of people who also do it. some people only raise a few, others do it on a much grander scale!! i think i am somewhere in the middle...i am raising what i can handle and the hubs helps a lot!!

  5. Very nice! You wouldn't think butterflies would be so much work, but obviously they are. Looking forward to seeing them!

  6. That is really a nice project for the summer. Then your yard will be filled with butterflies. So very nice to have a summer project like that.

  7. Like his nick name for them, it sounds a lot like a baby, eat, sleep and poop. The good thing is there are no night feedings and crying :)
    I can only imagine it is hard to keep track of them all, neat to see the different stages!

  8. This all sounds like a lot of work, but when you enjoy it, the work is so much easier.

  9. You certainly look after them well :)

    All the best Jan

  10. These are amazing photos and I find what you are both doing admirable. I enjoy reading about the process very much. You get some great photos that show what they are up too. Thanks for being such a wonderful nurturing woman.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!
