Continuing from Monday's post and considering the comments you guys left...
I agree, not seeing family and friends is very difficult.
I really miss my great nieces, a lot!
My boys both live far away, I go for long stretches without seeing them anyway,
I miss them too, a lot!
But I keep busy and I have really enjoyed this time of my life.

I started watching Sweet Magnolias on Netflix,
I have really enjoyed it, and I highly recommend it!

Mornings, I water my garden,

which is doing really well,
I can't believe how big the plants have gotten.
I fill my bird baths and bird feeders...

and this combination planter and bird bath that I made last summer.

I baked my egg shells...

200 degrees for 20 minutes, crushed up, they are ready for the garden.
I am going to use them for the tomato plants.
I found another cleaning project...

My Laundry Nook

It's closet sized but I have been getting the job done here for 36 years.
I have Christmas decorations on the top shelves, and everything I need to do the laundry elsewhere.

To the left, I keep extra hangers on a tension rod
and the large, clear tupperware container has drop cloths in it.

My postcards are ready to send out, I have to put them into envelops,
according to the postal website, they are too small for regular mail.
If you would like one,
email your address to me at and I will send you one.

We have been grilling a lot...

this steak was awesome!!
I miss them too, a lot!
But I keep busy and I have really enjoyed this time of my life.

I started watching Sweet Magnolias on Netflix,
I have really enjoyed it, and I highly recommend it!

Mornings, I water my garden,

which is doing really well,
I can't believe how big the plants have gotten.
I fill my bird baths and bird feeders...

and this combination planter and bird bath that I made last summer.

I baked my egg shells...

200 degrees for 20 minutes, crushed up, they are ready for the garden.
I am going to use them for the tomato plants.
I found another cleaning project...

My Laundry Nook

It's closet sized but I have been getting the job done here for 36 years.
I have Christmas decorations on the top shelves, and everything I need to do the laundry elsewhere.

To the left, I keep extra hangers on a tension rod
and the large, clear tupperware container has drop cloths in it.

My postcards are ready to send out, I have to put them into envelops,
according to the postal website, they are too small for regular mail.
If you would like one,
email your address to me at and I will send you one.

We have been grilling a lot...

this steak was awesome!!
Hello, Missing time with family and friend during this time is hard. I love your flowers and cute bird baths. I assume the eggshells are good for the soil? Your meals look yummy. Have a great day and week ahead.
Loved seeing all the pretty plants and first time I have heard of baking egg shells:) Always learning something new.
Debbie, I love your blog... and all the pictures. We enjoyed 'Sweet Magnolias' too. Also love the birdbaths. We have one, but don't fill it due to all the feral cats around (I have a pic of one of the cats lying in it) Everything you post looks so bright and clean. I could never be that neat. But I may try to straighten up my laundry room today.
Cute bird baths!
Your house must be in perfect cleaned up order. That steak looks so good.
Oh indeed not seeing family is hard (though like you we are used to being far away for longish periods). As I’ve written, our daughter and SIL have five acres, so we can see them and still maintain distance (no hugs).... so that helps. I do worry about is several friends who are widowed ... semi-isolation is a lot easier when you are spending it with someone whose company you enjoy (I hope my husband agrees with that sentiment ;))...... .. on your post, I am curious why you bake your eggshells. I know they have nutrients, Why doesn’t heat destroy them? (Truly “asking for a friend” because as you know we no longer garden.)
Bake the egg shells at 200°F for 20-30 minutes or until the shells are completely dry. Once the eggshells are done drying out in the oven and have cooled for a few minutes, they are ready to be grinded up to make it easier to apply in your garden. You can use a pestle & mortar, coffee grinder, or food processor.
I do like your bird baths and bird feeders...
That steak does look good.
All the best Jan
Hi Debbie, I hope you get to see your boys real soon. Love your garden and the bird baths. Thanks for the tip on the egg shells. A fun peak into your laundry nook :) It is more organized than mine. I have to have some of those shelves! What a neat idea about sending out the postcards. I have oodles of them and have sent them out to blogging friends every now and again. If you want one you can reach me at I will remember your e-mail. Yummy meal! We have just had a twice-stuffed potato, with pork slices and a simple salad. All put together very quickly. It is over 90 degrees here today.
I have really enjoyed learning about what you have been doing while being quarantined. You really do a lot and have inspired me. I love seeing the photos of how you organize items.
Your garden is looking lovely. I will post on ours, as soon as we see some growth. Praying over the plants right now. Hoping it goes well. My husband has worked hard in it; me not so much. I did plant some flowers, yeah!
I have missed my kids a lot through this all. I did see my daughter for her birthday briefly. it's hard not to hug. We just try to social distance.
I do like your postcard book; it's a fun one. Your grilled dinners looks yummy!
Blessings and hugs for you two!
thanks for the heads up on that show, I have been wondering about it. Your plants are looking really good. My peppers aren't doing as well as I would have liked so far, but the bean plants are taking off, the spinach seeds must have been bad so I bought more and the romaine lettuce is coming up, but not nice and thick.
I love grilling that has got to be one of the top things about summer, although we even do it in the winter if we have a mild enough day!
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