
Friday, June 5, 2020

More On Life

When we ride our bikes, which we have been doing a lot lately,
one part of the bike path ends in 
Allaire State Park
As I have said before, bikes are not allowed in the park but 
I can still photograph a few of the buildings from the entrance....
oh no wait, 
on this day we snuck in and went down the path just a little bit....
just for you guys, so you could see a few of the buildings.

The Chapel

The Foremans Cottage

The Blacksmith Shop

Another view of the Chapel

I spotted this deer in the park, I always spot them first = winning.

We passed this sign on the way home at a nursing facility.
It is really big and it made me so happy to see it!
I hope the people that work here are proud of themselves and know how grateful the community is.

When we came home I made these tostitos with sausage, I was suppose to use chop meat
anyway, they were awesome and I was able to use the chop meat in the other meal.
This was a Home Chef meal, 
I am getting four per week and it has been a big help...
and we really enjoy the food, even when I use the wrong meat!

The pool is open, by Saturday, we will be able to swim in it, I am so excited!

Another day in the books, I was out most of today and it was good to be out!


  1. Hello,

    Pretty views from the park and your pool. I love the cute deer! The meal look yummy. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh my what a beautiful place, loved the pictures:)

  3. Such a beautiful pool. I know you must enjoy it. I like the park pictures. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. EVerything is so lush and green in the spring! Happy swimming!

  5. I can just imagine reading one of your posts about being jailed for breaking the New Jersey pandemic rules!!!!

    1. hahaha, it will never happen!! if it does, we keep bail money in the glovebox!!

      i like to be funny but i have obeyed 100% of the rules set forth by our governor. this park was open and we only rode the bikes a few hundred feet past the no bicycles sign, then turned around!! as for everything else, i am probably the most compliant to the stay at home order!!!

  6. Your pool sure looks inviting! I hope you have nice weather to enjoy it! Sweet hugs!

  7. Those buildings and fence among that green are gorgeous. Oh how I would like to wander there.

  8. Beautiful images. the park looks so lush and green.

  9. I love these kind of parks and just imagining the people that lived and worked in them way back when our country was younger. That's good your recipe worked out even though you used the wrong meat, sounds like something I would have done. I would love to have a pool in my yard, and look at that great view you have too, Enjoy!

  10. Lovely series of photographs.
    The view from your pool is fabulous.

    All the best Jan

  11. Looks like a fun day! Nice old buildings and, of course, the deer. The pool is going to be enjoyable!
