
Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 334 ~

As I mentioned last Saturday, there are baby Killdeer at Lake of the Lilies.
When I photographed them on April 28th, 
they were just itty-bitty little things, maybe only a week or so old.
They are so cute!

There are 3 here, they blend well with the ground they are running around on.

1 in these two photographs.

These 2 are getting ready to climb under mom.

Here they are under mom...

if you look closely, you can see their tiny little legs beneath her!
Wishing Momma Killdeer a very Happy Mothers Day,
and all of my reader moms as well!!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen


  1. They are so lovely. Wonderful pics!

  2. Oh gosh, they are really cute!
    Have a nice weekend, Debbie!

  3. Best photos ever Debbie! How beautiful are they in their new fluffiness. Perfect for Mother's Day too. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Hello Debbi,e

    Oh my, the Killdeer babies are so darn cute. Your photos are adorable, what an awesome sight to see. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  5. Oh such sweet pictures and especially with the Mom.

  6. Oh my kildeers! Well I have never seen any of those! They have good markings like mama but cute little downy feathers and those tiny legs! Just the cutest ever!!! WOW! Happy Mother's day my friend!

  7. Great pics, Debbie! I especially like the mom with all the little legs under her...

  8. They are adorable!! Nice pics. :-)

    Happy Mother's Day to you, as well. :-)

  9. These are the cutest pictures. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

  10. Awww they are so sweet, great to see them.

    Happy Mothers Day to all who celebrate, here in the UK ours was celebrated in March.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. A perfect post for Mother's Day. I really enjoyed the sweet little Killdeer babies and their Mom. This was the cutest.
    Have a very beautiful Mother's Day dear friend! Thanks for your post on Living Waters.
    Sending loving Mother's day thoughts and hugs!

  12. Oh my goodness are they ever adorable!!! love the ones of them with their mom, perfect for a Mother's day post!
    Hope you enjoy a great day tomorrow!

  13. Those little babies are so sweet and look at them---tucking up underneath their Mommy!---so cute. Hope you have are having a real nice weekend!

  14. Dear Debbie!
    A wonderful post and great photos.
    All the birds are so cute.
    Thank you very much that I could admire the beauty of nature.
    Hugs and greetings.

  15. LOL! They're awesome! They look like puff balls on ostrich legs!

  16. I love Killdeer! They have a beautiful sweet song too!

  17. Wonderful picture story... love that you captured the adorable babies.
