
Monday, April 20, 2020

The Special Tulips...

Every year, in late November, the hubs plants tulip bulbs in the garden...just for me.
He picks them out, orders them and plants them by himself.
The color is always a surprise and I adore the colors he picked this year.

These are around the mailbox, out by the street...
If we are out in the yard,
there is not one person who passes by that does not comment on their beauty.
Right now, there are a lot of people out walking and biking,
a lot of people enjoying them.
And I hope the mailman is enjoying them too, we have a great mailman!

They line the front center garden where the daffodils were.

And this small garden around the pretty birdhouse.
Once the daffodils fade, the tulips open up and take their place.
I always forget to say, that this birdhouse is made from all recycled materials.
A very interesting work of art, the artist included paperwork detailing how he made this piece,
and where all the materials came from.

The hubs bought it for me for my birthday, a long time ago.
It is a favorite, for so many reasons!


  1. Your tulips are amazing. I wish I had green fingers. Hubby planted a few bushes and an old Christmas tree but other than that we have no garden to speak of. My Nana would be appalled as she always had a beautiful array of flowers in her garden. :)

  2. Beautiful...
    I love tulips too! Very nice colors!
    You have a nice garden!
    Have a good week ahead!

  3. Just the right burst of color in all the special areas.

  4. Hello Debbie

    Your tulips look beautiful, I love all the colors. What a cheery sight to see around your home. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy healthy new week!

  5. How special! What a sweet hubby you have to plant flowers just for you! And these can be enjoyed by so many. We need pretty flowers to brighten out days at this difficult time. Give that hubby a hug for making the world a more beautiful place....and for making you feel special too! Hugs to you both, Diane

  6. The bright colours and their beauty are so uplifting.

  7. That is so neat about the birdhouse! ... and your tulips are amazing (I’m not *quite* as envious as usual, since I’m actually getting to see some in person this year for a change.)I love the tulip surprise your sweet hubby gives you each year, but I’m curious about one thing. ... . Don’t tulips come up by themselves every year, once the bulbs are planted? I haven’t gardened for years now, but I seem to remember that. So then, how does he integrate the new colors with the ones that are already there?

    1. good question...tulips don't come back every year. if you plant 100, about 50 will come back. after that, maybe 20. at the end of the season, chuck pulls the bulbs out completely so he can plant our vincas with ease. sometimes we plant them in other parts of the garden, but they don't usually come back. it's his way of doing this. i don't know if i agree completely BUT if you have any shot of the tulips coming back, you have to let them die off completely which makes planting the summer flowers impossible until the middle of june. he plants our summer flowers on mothers day!!!

  8. I truly needed these splashes of color. Your photos are so vibrant and cheerful. Just what we need in times like these. Wonderful use of recycled materials on the birdhouse!

  9. The tulips are so bright and cheery. Just what I need today.

  10. Your garden and indeed your beautiful tulips must bring a lot of joy to your neighbours and many a smile to those who pass by. They are bright and sunny and well.......just so delightfully cheery.

  11. Debbie these ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!! I'm so glad you shared these with us. Wow, what great colors. Your hubby DID GOOD!! I just love your mailbox, I would like to change ours out for one like that, plus I like the cover you have on yours. So pretty. I bet your neighbors make pictures of your pretty scene!! That birdhouse made me think of one almost identical I bought for my Mom so so many years ago. We lived far away from each other and I shipped it in a big long box and she was so excited and couldn't figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD I had sent her! LOL I saw it on h er backporch the last time we drove to see them, close to the time when we lost her. I suppose I'll get the bird house back anytime I want it...then I'll have one very much like yours. Hope your Monday has been real nice. It started out cloudy and raining here.....we expected bad storms but thankfully they fizzled out, yay!! And then it became sunny and clear, a real pretty day. I showed my hubby the picture of your mailbox and your flowers, he liked it too.

  12. Absolutely beautiful! You have one amazing husband!

  13. Gorgeous - And I Am So Thankful That Sunshine Hasn't Been Cancelled


  14. They do look terrific, love the colors he picked, I didn't realize you didn't know the color of them, that is a neat idea to be surprised every year! We had a bird feeder like that made from recycled things, but one year the bees got in there and made a nest and then a couple years after that it started falling apart because it was decomposing I guess.

  15. Oh my, your tulips are lovely, what a glorious display of beauty and colour.
    Perfect for these rather strange times.

    My good wishes to you and hubs.

    All the best Jan

  16. Oh my Debbie it's gorgeous around your house. Spring is just blooming all around!

  17. Those are gorgeous! He has quite the eye and green thumb!

  18. Debbie the photos of your garden and your tulips are absolutely beautiful. I can't grow tulips here in North Queensland but absolutely love them. Your hubby is doing a great job isn't he? I hope you are keeping well during these difficult times.

  19. I love how you bring a bit of spring into my life with these stunning photos. I love the colors and it looks so good. Your Husband does such a great job. My husband is busier outside now that we are stuck home and not working in our temple. I think he is loving his time in the yard. We will even have a garden this year.
    Sending hugs your way for your inspiration on gardens, flowers and etc.!
