
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Corson's Farm

I have shared pictures of these horses before, 
but these are new pictures from the car ride and visit on March 24th.

These horses, there are three, have been here since I started visiting the farm.

This horse is newer to the farm,
though I think it was here the last time I visited.
He was very friendly and the only one that came to the fence.

This horse is also new to the farm, a painted horse.
It was way in the back and difficult to photograph, this was the best I could get!

It was such a beautiful day, the sun was out, the sky was blue and it felt like spring.
This farm and these horses, are some of my favorites!


  1. Hello, Debbie! The horses are beautiful animals, great photos. Looks like a nice day to get out for a car ride.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. How wonderful to get outside in the fresh air among those gorgeous creatures.

  3. Good looking horses! One was very inquisitive.

  4. I love the painted horse. I'm going to drive over to a horse farm this week and take pictures....if I can. Love seeing what you see there! Take care of yourself and stay healthy my friend. Sweet hugs from Florida, Diane

  5. They look well cared for. Glad you could take a jaunt and share with us.

  6. I love the coloring on that first one, guess I like the shaggy hair too :)
    We didn't go anywhere this past weekend, just stayed home and got the yard work done and took some pics of the flowering tree in our backyard :)

  7. What a beautiful series of photos you have taken!

  8. These animals have such pretty faces.

  9. Debbie - glad you can find such activities to enjoy! Happy Easter!
