
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Question Mark On These Ducks

During a drive along the back roads in Howell,
we happened upon this group of ducks.
The hubs noted and drove on but I was so curious about what they were doing
along the roadside at a service station...
I asked if we could do a quick turn around to go back for a better look and some pictures.
Of course he said yes, he always does, 
the turnaround was plausible and soon we were heading back in the other direction.
He's such a great guy and driver, he has it all down to a science!

Howell is farm land, I was surprised to see these ducks cohabitating at a service station.
I think these ducks are Pekin or White Pekin ducks,
an American breed of domestic duck, raised primarily for egg and meat production.

It was a long photo secession!! 
Someone from the service station came out and said the ducks were not his.
I thought he was going to yell at me for trespassing. 
It has happen before and I was ready to run...

If you know me, you know that is a true story, I have been chased from much better places!
I'm not sure why peeps are so sensitive, 
I would never chase anyone with a camera and a good story!


  1. Hello Debbie, they are cute ducks. Great photo shoot! I am trying to picture you running away with your camera. Take care and have a great day!

  2. Oh so glad you went back and captured these photos...especially those in action, wings open, foot in the air and etc.

  3. They are handsome, so differently spotted.

  4. You took some great photos, Debbie. That is the whitest white I have ever seen on birds.

  5. You got some really good pictures.

  6. that is so funny that they were next to the service station and that didn't seem to belong to anyone around, they didn't seemed to be too worried about you taking their picture, they sure do have unique coloring and marks!

  7. Debbie - so glad you took the time (courtesy of the hubby) to return for these photos. The action shots are terrific. I would love to know the backstory on how they came to be at the service station. Was there any water nearby?

  8. The ducks aren't his because it appears many of those are geese. :-) The shape of the forehead and bill is the first indicator. You might look into domestic Chinese White geese or domestic Graylag geese. Like domestic ducks, there is crossbreeding that takes place so it's sometimes difficult to tell exactly what you may have. Some domestic geese are flightless as well. If that's the case here, the gas station owner might be stuck with them for a while. LOL!

    1. thanks brian, google was not much help in identifying theses guys!!
