
Thursday, March 5, 2020

It's Almost Time...

It's almost time to start my vegetable garden indoors.
I don't plant too much...
Tomatoes are a must and I will probably plant some cucumbers as well.
I always grow dill, to attract caterpillars, so I can keep my butterfly hobby going.

I got these tomato seeds at Longwood Gardens, 
I wish I had remembered to pick up cucumber and dill seeds too.
My mind is always all over the place when I am in the gift shop.
I like getting my seeds somewhere special, it makes the vegetables seem special as well.
That's just how I think!

Here are two scrapbook pages I created back in 2008.

This picture shows a batch of tomatoes we picked at one time.
It was a great growing season, the tomatoes were perfect - no blemishes, no cracks!
Their flavor was amazing!

We love BLT's in summer and we sure did eat a lot of them.
Tomato sandwiches too, another summertime favorite.

We gave a lot of the tomatoes away, we just could not eat them fast enough.

Look how full the plants were, grown in pots, right up on the deck.

In other news...
I took down the bird feeders a few days ago and will leave them down for at least a week,
as the articles I read suggested.

My Kalanchoe Plant is doing really well.

It is so beautiful and full of flowers, like sunshine in a pot!


  1. I love the tomato plants but I don't dare to grow them. I don't know how to take care of them. Give me bulbs ...
    I know what to do!
    Enjoy your day, Debbie!

  2. Hello, good luck with the tomato plants. I am sure they will do well. Your plants and flowers look beautiful. I am sorry about the bird feeders, but it is best. Enjoy your day!

  3. Ok, we're going to try copying Debbie's garden magic this year. We're getting ready to start some tomatoes and peppers inside. Because we have a bazillion rabbits around here, we decided to do raised garden beds. The other day I bought some livestock water tanks (polymer, not metal) and I'm going to set them on cinder blocks or something similar to use as garden beds. In addition to keeping rabbits out it will allow us to tend them without being on hands and knees or constantly bending over. Along with tomatoes and peppers we're planting carrots, radishes, green onions, kohlrabi, and maybe cucumbers. Time will tell if we have your magic!

    1. i am sending you "4" green thumbs and my best gardening wishes!!

  4. Those beautiful yellow flowers!!! Sunshine in a pot is a perfect description.

  5. I love the scrapbook idea of the garden and BLT - my favorite sandwich! I'm going to lunch with a friend today, now I want a BLT! Also, the yellow flower - so pretty!

  6. Your post makes me feel hopeful Debbie. We are covered in lots of snow but spring will come!

  7. It is so enjoyable to grow some red, tasty tomatoes which are totally your own.
    Enjoy your work!

  8. Those cheery yellow blooms look fantastic.

  9. Your Kalanchoe Plant looks gorgeous, just yodels sunshine :) How wonderful to pick so many tomatoes. I love BLT's. Did you ever have any trouble with squirrels and birds wanting to eat your tomatoes?

  10. Wow, Debbie---those are some PERFECT "maters" beautiful. Glad you got pictures and the plants looked HUGE. Love the scrapbook pictures, so similar to how I used to do mine. I love looking at people's scrapbooks....I don't think many people make them anymore??? I make mini ones, and i'ts hard keeping up with those! ONce you get behind.....they really pile up. Loved the pretty picture of you in your shawl yesterday too, it looks great on you! Oh, and YES, I kept my little blue unicorn, ha ha LOL---I bought him FOR ME...... ha ha LOL

  11. Those tomato seed packets remind me of vintage ones. Love the green and white pot those sunny flowers are showing off in.

    1. hi kim, i had not noticed that about the seed packets, but you are right. the pot was my favorite, thank you for visiting!

  12. I hope the seeds come out to be as good as your tomatoes were in 2008, I love your scrapbook pages seeing it go from the plant right down to how you enjoyed them. We have never grown tomatoes that didn't crack on us, that is so annoying, we have given up on them. Your flowers are looking great, looks like it is growing real well and blooming so pretty, love the bright colors!

  13. Your Kalanchoe plant is beautiful.

    All the best Jan
