
Monday, March 30, 2020

Standing Watch...

It's spring, it's nest building season and we have a new tenant in the bird house...
This Male House Sparrow is very protective of his new home.
I hear him chirping all of the time and this bird house is about 50 feet away from my desk.
To say he is loud, is a huge understatement.

Male House Sparrow sitting on top of the birdhouse.

He jumps down occasionally, but never seems to fly off!

The House Sparrow is a very common sparrow, rarely seen far from homes and farms.
Often tame where it is regularly fed.
- here -
Sexes are dissimilar.
Sparrows are so often overlooked because they are not colorful and don't stand out.
But they have a beautiful feather pattern, with lots of gray, black and brown.
I'm sure we are going to have babies soon!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 328 ~

On a recent visit to Lake of the Lilies only Mallards were there to pose for pictures.

There was something about this image that I loved...
I hope you enjoy it as well.


No matter the light, this ducks head always appeared blue.

On the other side of the lake, I disturbed a group of Mallards during preening,

they sure do take their grooming seriously!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen

Friday, March 27, 2020

Keeping Busy...

I have so many hobbies, 
I don't have any trouble keeping busy during this very unusual time.

I am spending more time in the kitchen, cooking and baking...
this was a coffee cake I made for breakfast one morning.
I forgot to take a picture when it was done, it was so pretty and tasted delicious.
Did you notice my precious egg dish?
I put it there so you would notice it.
I purchased it at, a piece from Ree Drummond's cookware.
A complete...
"I don't need this but I just have to have it".
Or like they would say at the farm, I neeeeeeeed it!
And I actually saw it twice in the store and did not buy it, 
then I caved, went on-line and purchased it.

If you follow my blog you know,

I started my vegetable garden and it is coming along very nicely.
The tomatoes are "up", the dill has pushed through the soil, but my cucumbers are mia.
I planted them on March 9th and they have yet to show there face.
Every morning I check everyones progress and give them a little spray of water!

My Journal Book has been getting plenty of my attention, I am enjoying the prompts for projects,
and the writing sessions the book encourages.

I have been knitting, I finished my crochet project, but I am still working on my scarf.
I am getting a little tired of it, so I think I am going to start a second project with a little color,
you remember the scarf is beige.

I love this yarn and all the pretty shades that remind me of autumn...
I want to start something with this, 
I will have to text Liz or Leanne, or both...they always have such great suggestions.

I am spending a lot of time with my birds, taking lots of pictures of them.
I also started cleaning up the pictures on my computer,
an overwhelming task.

The hubs and I 
each have our own small linen closets/medicine cabinets on each side of the double sinks
in our bathroom.
I have cleaned those out and all of the drawers around them. 
I have cleaned out some dresser drawers, and many cabinets around the house. 
I have been thinking about all the closets and I have a "Hope Chest" that could probably be emptied. 
Of course I keep up with the day to day cleaning and I am cooking dinner every night.

Last night I made homemade pizzas for dinner, they were delicious!

Each day I get up, get dressed, show up and I try to meet the day with mindfulness and joy.
Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth, hehehehehe, I will have to work on that!

Stay safe and be well and tell me in the comments what you are doing to keep busy!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

During Times Like These...

A drive in the car is good for the soul, some of the spring blooming trees are beautiful right now.
I found this pretty Tulip Magnolia not far from the house.
I made the hubs stop for pictures...
he stayed in the car, checking to be sure we had enough money for bail...
you know, in case the homeowners called the cops and I got arrested!
I was tress-passing huge, so who knows.

- table turned -

I would make that girl with the camera a glass of sweet tea, 
and be thrilled that someone else was enjoying and photographing my tree.

 - Sheer bliss -
both feet planted firmly on the ground, the sky above, sunlight in my eyes,
the view was spectacular looking straight up!

One single bud, of so many, getting ready to open up and see the sky!

The first true sign of spring, Forsythia, like sunshine, they are blooming bright!

We now have a "Stay In Place Order" the Governor said "Stay Home"
I hope that doesn't mean we can't go for a ride in the car?

We have not really done anything else except a bike ride and some yard work at home.
How are you guys passing the time?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Yarn Along

I am back working on my 
Irish Hiking Scarf, knit with Cascade Yarn
50% Superfine Alpaca and 50% Peruvian Highland Wool.
This yarn is a joy to work with and I really love the neutral color, it will go with everything.

My daffodils are so pretty right now,

the hubs clipped a few and brought them indoors for us to enjoy.

We went for a ride in the car yesterday, and a short bike ride.
Thankfully, this one ended better than the last one.

We went to Lake of the Lilies also, 
a fun ride in the car, our only contact, the ducks!
All of the spring trees are starting to bloom and the views were beautiful!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


There is no other bird who's antics are quite as amusing in the bird bath as an
American Robin

Are you really going to watch...and take pictures?

If you look closely, you can see the birds outline in almost every picture.

These pictures were taken on Friday, the Robins know that spring has arrived!