
Monday, February 10, 2020

Common and Curious

I see them every day.
They have become common to me, yet they are extraordinary! 
The Male Downy Woodpeckers visit the suet bird feeder regularly,
I never take them for granted, their markings are so striking,
that little red patch on the pack of their head stands out!
The Female is similar but does not have the red patch.

They can be unobtrusive, quiet and easy to photograph.
They are as curious about me as I am about them.
They are the smallest of all the woodpeckers,  I see them year round.


  1. The males always look like someone has dabbed red paint on them. Great photos, Debbie. Have a great week.

  2. Hello, Debbie

    I love these cute woodies. Great series of photos. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  3. Gorgeous photos! We have several pairs and sometimes three or four individuals show up at one time. They love T's homemade suet!

  4. Wow....BEAUTIFUL. I love it. Great close up pics.

  5. Great captures, they seem to be enjoying their day too!

  6. they are so fun to watch too, I love the way they bob back and forth when they eat off the suet :) I just love the last two photos, and how he is hanging onto the branch

  7. This is a cute little bird for sure. I love the red patch. I always like when you give some facts about them.
    Blessings and hugs!

  8. Such lovely photographs …
    I'm so pleased you take them and share them with us :)

    All the best Jan
