
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Winter Bordem

Do you get bored during the winter months,
I don't...
During the summer, there are so many fun things to do outside the house,
while the weather is warm, 
I don't want to be in the house cleaning and organizing things.
During the winter, I have so many projects and things I want to do.
I always do it once per year and this is the time, 
after Christmas is over and all of the decorations are put away!

I cleaned the china cabinet, this side was fun,

 this side was a total struggle.
I washed all of the dishes and organized things...
now I am trying to decide if I want to clean out the drawers in it.
 I have not done that in years, it needs to be done but thinking about it makes me cringe!
I think "china cabinets" are a bit old fashioned,
I would like to delete it from my life but what would I do with all of the "stuff" inside it?

I cleaned inside the kitchen cabinets, that's only fun for the first 2 cabinets,
but...I love when it's all done!
I found new snowman bowls in Christmas Tree Shop,
middle shelf, second from the left...I love them, and as you can see, I "really" needed 2 more bowls,   
* chuckle *

I have been cleaning out my clothes dresser, 
one drawer at a time, and a few of the hubs drawers are done.
That is always a struggle as he hates helping.

Of course I have been knitting and I have done a bit of scrapbooking too.

I finished my "ICE" book until next year,
all of the pictures we take and buy when we visit the ICE display at the National Harbor.



It's up-to-date now, I had 2017, 2018 & 2019 waiting to be added.

We play games this time of year...this one was fun.
Winter Scattergories
you can click on the above link and print them out.
I printed it in black and white to save on color ink.
For this game 
"Write something you see or do in winter that starts with each letter"!
This was really fun and I won, 14 to 10!

We play Bananagram but the hubs always looses so he does not like to play.
I always win so I love to play.
We put together that big puzzle at Christmastime,
if I even say the word puzzle the hubs runs the other way...
it's not really his thing!

I have been keeping an eye on my birds, but I don't really have any new visitors.

I planted a new batch of Paper White bulbs,
I enjoyed the last batch so much!

Soooooo as you can see, I have been busy, I wonder what everyone else does to pass the time?


  1. I also like beautiful plates and antique cups!
    The ICE book is beautifully made, every year was better and better …
    Your Paperwhites flowers will be very beautiful!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Hello,
    You do keep busy. The snowman bowls are cute. I love the Ice Scrapbook and the Paperwhites are looking good. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  3. I feel the exact same way and am doing the same things you are. I actually enjoy Janurary!

  4. I have to do the china cabinet too. My daughter has a dinner set from her great grandmother so I don’t know what will happen to mine. The cabinets are a thing of the past for sure.

  5. I have my mothers china cabinet and I must confess I don't often clean it. It doesn't look dirty to me and I don't use the dishes so I opt out. Am thinking about doing a little spring cleaning when spring comes. I do have a photo album I need to work on if I can get inspired:) I have done generation albums and the last one to do is my own. It was so nice to get to show my Granddaughter her Grandpa's and see her name in the ancestry chart and pictures of him when he was little.

  6. Wow you have been busy haven't you, that is all the things I should do but haven't, it seems I keep so busy with just the day to do stuff and my cardmaking, that I don't get to a lot of extras, my kitchen cabinets need a good washing on the outside though, that is one thing I really need to get at. I know it is such a hassle but when everything is neat and clean it sure does lift my spirits!

  7. I’ve been doing much the same as you. Cleaning drawers one at a time. We are getting new carpet this summer so I’m saving the China cabinets for then since I’ll have to empty and move them. Then I can wallpaper behind them as I never did that when I papered the dining room several years ago. We will have to empty and move the two huge doll cases in the living room, too! I’m so dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time. I bought new carpet shortly after I married Louis Dean but I made a huge mistake. It’s a light gray and is so stained now and even damaged. I’ve covered as much up with rugs as I can. Early on he left a fiberglass footprint in the hall. The carpet was just two weeks old! Coffee stains and so many others followed! He’s tall and it’s a long way to the floor so I guess he doesn’t notice. The new carpet I’m going to get must NOT show stains! I want to be able to live with it the rest of my life! Wish me luck in finding just what I’m looking for!

  8. You have been very busy. I should be doing some of those things, but always find something else to fill my time.

  9. When mom lived with us, we had 4 China cabinets. Now I'm down to 2... and trying to get the kids to take what they'd like now, but since both my daughter and daughter-in-laws have 1 or 2 China cabinets themselves, I don't know where they'd put it. And you are right that China cabinets are 'old school' (if I'm using that expression correctly). And I do like to clean them once or twice a year. It takes some time, but I enjoy handling each piece and remembering. I even enjoy helping my daughter clean hers. Yours look beautiful... and I love those little snowman bowls!

  10. Yes I have started my spring cleaning when I get a spare minute Debbie. Good to keep busy and not to get bored.

  11. If housebound I READ. And read and read and read.........ha ha LOL! I also still scrapbook and see you do too. I've gone to the 8x8s and haven't done a big 12x12 in years, but for many years I DID DO those and now have bookcases full of them. They are big and bulky and hard to move around....but of course I wouldn't trade them or the memories they hold, for anything. I've also been doing mini scrapbooks, just to keep my pictures somewhere and in some sort of order. I am way behind and need to take it up again. Your china shelves are beautiful!!---mine are crammed so full and don't look elegant anymore. I collect so much and it's a safe place to put glass things. I could use five more china closets and they would be full in no time! LOL

  12. the dishes in the cabinet. Looks great. Nope, I don't get bored, I usually find something to do. Blog...FB....Pinterest....always something to do.

  13. Great project ideas! The china cabinet look great. Wow on the scrap book. I'm not that patient or creative. I also feel better after going thethrough cabinets and closets. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. I love the shelf pictures and your scrapbooking, all your photos are great. Hard to be bored when you enjoy so many things in life. Have a great weekend Debbie :)

  15. I recently cleaned out my pie safe (china cabinet) and boxed up all my wedding china. I decided life is too short to have to dust. I have a few hobbies that keep me busy in the winter; genealogy, working on my planner (which I have had to downsize to a smaller one because I am a sticker maniac and that was just too expensive!), netflix series & movie binger on the really yucky days, and of course the usual social media. I want to get back to blogging, but every time I try, something distracts me from it. Have a great weekend!

  16. I've been downsizing a lot due to the last move and still feel I have too much. Winter has been a good time to sort and either donate or trash. If I don't use it and it doesn't have sentimental value, I don't need it.

  17. Oh, I am never bored neither....much too much to always do. I rather like china cabinets that house pretty china and ornaments. You have some lovely pieces, Debbie. All your photos are such fun, as is your scrapbooking.

  18. January is a great month for sorting things out...
    Once the Christmas decorations are down and away, it's time to make a start … and here we are it's February and we did well :)

    All the best Jan
