
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Male Mallard

The Mallard duck is perhaps the most familiar dabbling duck of all ducks.
It can be found almost anywhere water is present, is found year round in "most" of the United States,
and is tame and often interbreeds with other ducks.

The male mallards beauty is often overlooked, he is ubiquitous and hard to miss.

There are so many at Lake of the Lilies.
I am always looking for the unusual ducks and I too overlook the beautiful, more common, 


  1. We have mallards here too in Ontario and I agree, their colours really are beautiful and often taken for granted.

  2. Hello, The male Mallard is gorgeous. He has some lovely colors too. Beautiful photos! Wishing you a great day!

  3. I love all ducks ... here are a lot of these ducks too!
    They always make me smile with his sounds ... it's like they smile too!

  4. What beautiful feathers! Your photos are so sharp and crisp...just like being there! Hugs!

  5. It is amazing that what we get excited about is the ones that we don't often see when there is so much beauty in front of us everyday. Love the close up details you got of their feathers!

  6. The Mallard is such a common duck, as we see many of them every year, but I am still always getting more pictures to add to hundreds I already have.

  7. Gorgeous photos! I was surprised to see Mallards in Hawaii. At least they looked like Mallards.

  8. I cannot imagine overlooking this beautiful fellow. How glorious it would be to see these ducks out and about all the time, in all their glorious colour.

  9. This one, on the other hand, was happy to pose! :-) Beautiful colors!

  10. Debbie - how right you are that we overlook beauty just because it is "common". Lovely photos of Mr. Mallard!
