
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 313 ~

I could hear the Red-Bellied Woodpecker as I worked.
Once I opened the window I realized it was cold and damp outside.
The dusting of snow had finished, what had accumulated was melting off.
I could hear the Red Bellied better with the window open,
I love that they are loud and that their call is very distinct, I always know when they are visiting.
This woodpecker is not a regular visitor, when he visits, I get pretty darn excited.

Male Red-Bellied Woodpecker

I only got one picture and he few off.
He came back but I didn't bother him, I let him feast on the suet.
The next 3 are regulars,

Male Cardinal

Female House Finch

Male House Finch

I saw a lot more birds flying around, but I had "important" things to do,
so I closed the window and took care of business.
awwww, the self control I show!

Sharing today with Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen


  1. Very pretty birds! especially the Finch couple …
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I love the bird pictures! Be safe this weekend :)

  3. I have see the red bellies on one of the trails we frequent. They are a rare sight for me too.

  4. Wonderful photos! Your trees make for excellent backgrounds. The RB woodpeckers are some of our regulars.

  5. Have that woodpecker here and they do make a lot of noise. Have had two of them land of the hummingbird feeder and steal some juice.

  6. Hello, you do have the perfect spot for the bird photos. Lovely captures of the Woodpecker, Cardinal and the House finches. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  7. Wonderful photos, the red bellied visits our yard too and we love trying to get good photos of him. We are having rain this Saturday, hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  8. Isn't it wonderful when they come to visit, I just love the way they bob back and forth as they are eating off the suet, we had one visit two days ago and I just sat and watched him, although once Opie saw he came to visit he was right up at the window and scare him away. The cardinal that came after wasn't as afraid of Opie so he stuck around a little while longer. The finches are so cute!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Lovely collection of critters. They are a nice company!

  10. Fabulous pics, especially the Woodpecker!

  11. How pretty that woodpecker fellow is. He looks stunning against the greenery of the tree. As for your more regular visitors, how lovely that they call on you more often than not.

  12. The Woodpecker is a spectacular one. I loved all the bird photos today; they were fantastic as always.
    blessings and hugs!

  13. Debbie, I love the bird photos. Great job working on control. :) Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  14. Such lovely photographs of your feathered friends :)

    All the best Jan
