
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Arrow Acres Farm - The Alpaca

I visited the farm on Sunday, primarily to buy yarn...

but it was a warm beautiful day so I was compelled to visit the alpaca too!

Do you have a carrot for me?

I only took a few pictures, they are honestly too cute for words.


  1. They are a pleasure to look at!

  2. Love alpacas! My favourite photo is the head through the fence! Happy knitting!

  3. Hello, I just love these adorable critters. They are so cute, I want to give them a hug. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. too cute, love the tuft of hair on top of their heads!

  5. Definitely too cute for words! I always love seeing those sweet faces of 'your' Alpacas.

  6. They are so cute - lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh - they are SO adorable (and make very nice yarn). Whenever I see alpaca, they seem to be such sweet animals with those eyes... You got some really adorable photos!

  8. Oo, my little shmoopies! I want to hug all of them!

    Ha ha... I've heard if you do that when they are small and cute they will have no boundaries when they are taller and weigh 400 pounds and that's not good. Yikes. Not sure I should be an alpaca farmer afterall! 😃 But they are adorable!!!!

  9. Hello, I just love these adorable critters. They are so cute, I want to give them a hug. Wishing you a happy day!
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