
Friday, September 6, 2019

Happy Birthday Mike

Youngest son Mike is home from North Carolina 
and we've been having a lot of "family fun time" around here...


There were several games of Rack-o,
I don't just "let him win" any more, I was so proud to beat him with both of these "racks"...
and if you know the game, in the above rack, I have 22, 23, 24 & 25,
that is almost unheard of.

Both of those racks were mine, both were winners!

We switched over to Bananagrams...we are serious game players here!

Here's Mike his birthday was the 2nd

I ended up doing pretty well in Bananagrams too
but we each won at least one game.

I am so competitive, so is Michael

The hubs did this, so cute and thoughtful!

There was cake and singing...

he is still here and we are enjoying every second!


  1. Happy Birthday, Mike! So nice that y'all are enjoying such fun together, Debbie.

    My mom used to love playing Racko, and she was really good. I haven't heard of the bananagram game, but so similar to (oh shoot I can't remember the name of that one) but you know what I mean, right?

    Enjoy those precious moments with your son! Very handsome son, I might add. :)


  2. I love games as well and so does my family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE. Have a lovely weekend Debbie

  3. Gotta love family time! Happy birthday to your son! Enjoy!

  4. Hold on to him for every second you can! Enjoy!

  5. Good to see you enjoying family time and birthdays.

  6. I am so happy for you dear friend, to have your son home for a while. I love that you enjoy games together and that he had a great birthday with you all. I loved all the photos. You have a handsome son.
    Blessings and hugs for all!

  7. So sweet and how lovely for you to have your dear son home for a visit Debbie. He looks a fine young man and obviously enjoys being back home too. Happy Birthday Mike :D)

  8. So glad he could come home for his birthday, my hubby and daughter are pretty competitive, I am just happy when we play, it doesn't happen too much anymore. His cake looked Yummy :)

  9. I love playing games! My kids used to play with me but they stopped some years back. I miss it!
    I’m so happy for you to have some special time with your son! Happy Birthday to him!

  10. Family time is just the best :)

    Happy Birthday Wishes Mike.

    All the best Jan

  11. Yay! So great to have the “big kids” visit! (We really really need another word for our grownup children ... half of mine are grandparents themselves and I still refer to them as “kids” . Anyway, game nights look super fun...I don’t know Racko, but it looks like it involves numbers which means “out of my league”. Love Bananagrams! We play it with our Colorado kids every time we visit ...have been meaning to get my own bag for here! ...tomorrow we will be playing Mexican Train Dominos with our Oregon family!

  12. Looks like a fun celebration! Enjoy every minute of it...I know you will! Hugs!
