
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Two Little Fawns

We were driving to my appointment yesterday,
we were almost there with a few minutes to spare.
The hubs saw them, at first he thought they were statues, but they weren't.
Two little fawn, no doe to be found.
They were grazing on the front lawn of a home, in plain view.
Instructions were given and followed to turn the car around...quickly!
The hubs "spun it around"...I swear one day we are going to get in an accident, but not today!

And there they were, on my side of the car, I did not even have to get out.
They were not afraid, they did not run off, 
I snapped until I had to leave so I would not be late for my appointment.

Cars were flying by, no one noticed, everyone is in such a big hurry.
But not me, I noticed...
They were so little, so special this encounter was for me!


  1. How amazing! If I had been with could have left me there and picked me up on your way back! heehee! These little fawn just take your breath away!

  2. Awesome shots-sometimes they run and sometimes they freeze up, but when they just go on about their business of eating with not a care in the world- that's when you get the best shots.

  3. Hello Debbie, the fawns are so cute. Wonderful series of photos. I saw one crossing the street near my mailbox yesterday. Adorable critters. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. Beautiful creatures. I hope they stay off the road.

  5. Great pics! So adorable! We see them around my daughter's place in the Hill Country. Some of her neighbors feed them. Thanks for sharing your pics!

  6. Great photos! What luck to see them as you did, with a few minutes to spare.

  7. Oh wow! These are fantastic Debbie and the lighting is perfect! Aren't they absolute darlings? You can't help but smile at these beautiful photos and mine will stay with me for a while after seeing these.

  8. So beautiful, Debbie. I'm happy you were able to snap them. BTW, did Chuck used to be a race car driver? :)


    1. hehehehe, he use to have a muscle car, a chevelle ss. he wrecked it. what did he hit you might ask, a deer!!!

  9. Soooo pretty. Animals must know you’re a gentle soul - they never seem to run away from you!

  10. What a lucky chance! They're so close!

  11. Gorgeous shots, Debbie. Maybe it's the magnification of the photos, but they look large enough to be independent from the doe … Glad hubs "spun it around" safely!

  12. Beautiful! Talk about great timing! It won't be too long before the spots are gone. Glad you were able to get such nice photos!

  13. Oh those are the most exciting when you aren't even expecting them. Oh the innocence of the young, they are so sweet, glad you had time to stop and get their beautiful pics!

  14. Amazing! I cannot accept who says that shooting at such wonderful creatures is a "sport".

  15. How lovely! Of course you turned your attention to them only!...

  16. Oh, what spectacular photos of these two fawns. You do capture nature in such a wonderful way. I admire your desire to seek, find an photograph such beautiful creations of our Heavenly Father.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way and to you hubby too, for turning around quickly for you to capture this one.

  17. "so little, so special this encounter was for me!"

    and it was very special to all your blogging friends too :)

    All the best Jan
