
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 295 ~

I think it is safe to say that I am completely obsessed with butterflies right now.
I have been seeing so many of them, 
right here at home,
on all of the pretty flowers that are in bloom in my gardens.

This Common Buck Eye 
selected a beautiful flower on the butterfly bush to pose on,
and was extremely cooperative during it's photo session! 

I have enjoyed watching them flutter about,
and seizing every opportunity to capture a picture.
If you would like to see more butterflies in your gardens, 
planting the right flowers really helps.
My gardens have come alive this summer with a really nice variety of butterflies.
The best plant to attract a variety of butterflies is the 
One of my favorite perennial plants, 
not only for it's color, but because it needs little care.
It re-blooms during the summer months and multiplies from season to season.
Other good plants to plant are 
Having small books and guides like these,
really help in learning about and identifying your butterflies.

So why not plant some of these flowers in your garden,
and enjoy watching them flutter about!

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  1. Hello, your Buckeye butterfly photos are beautiful. The flowers are lovely. I have some coneflowers, lantana and the butterfly bushes. The butterflies do love them all. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, wishing you a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  2. I think that being obsessed with butterflies is a very commendable obsession. You are doing a great service to nature by encouraging people to plant butterfly-friendly shrubs and flowers. Yesterday we had another Monarch hatch and released it to a bright sunny day. It perched on the Sugar Maple and then went on its way. We gave it the best start in life and hope that it does well.

  3. I will plant some coneflowers next spring, Debbie.

  4. The butterflies and moths are so beautiful with their details and I love having lots of books to figure out the IDs! I never remember! lol We have lots of flowers to attract them....Pentas are a fav!

  5. I think it's great that you love your butterflies … it means we get to see them through your fabulous photographs.

    All the best Jan

  6. Wonderful detail in the wings! Might have to start calling you The Butterfly Lady! Now you just need to find a purple butterfly. :-)

  7. I love butterflies too. Your shots make justice to this beauty!

  8. Beautiful!! I was just watching one in the yard with my little nephew. He was chasing it. :) Not this kind, but a dull yellow Monarch...if they can be yellow? Otherwise it was something else. The Monarchs are usually orange around here.

  9. Beautiful butterfly photos!
    Right now the main attractions in my garden are Butterfly Bush, Phlox, and Turk's Cap.
    Now if the butterflies would just hold still and pose for me...
    Hope you are having a great day!

  10. Such beautiful pictures ... you are the butterfly whisperer though! It’s so hard to catch them sitting still enough to photograph! We see the buckeye in Florida and I think they are way too special to be called ‘common’ ))).

  11. Wow !! Beautiful butterfly !!!

  12. I'm giving this list of flowers to my husband for planting next year. I love butterflies and your photos today were magnificent.
    Blessings and hugs!
