Oldest son Scott lives in Austin Texas.
During a recent visit, we went to see the Capital of Texas which happens to be in Austin.

During a recent visit, we went to see the Capital of Texas which happens to be in Austin.

All of the statues were incredibly gorgeous!

Here we are with oldest son Scott
This outing has inspired me to take a trip to see the Capital of New Jersey,
Located in Trenton, New Jersey.
I see it often as we ride past during trips,
but I do not remember ever seeing the inside of it.
Perhaps on a school trip when I was younger, but not in my adult years.
The Capital of Texas is gorgeous.
We had a really nice day with Scott!
I think that white tee shirts and baseball caps are the de facto uniforms of your men!
Isn't it amazing what people can build?
I gotta say, though, I am glad those conquistador poofy pants went out of fashion.
Hello, it is great you had a nice visit with your son in Texas. The Capital building is beautiful, I love the memorial and statues. Wonderful photos! Enjoy your day!
Such an impressive looking area! Thanks for taking me there, Debbie.
I've driven around the Austin capitol a couple times...never stopped to take pictures (but that was back before I caught the flicker bug)
Your shots are gorgeous
What gorgeous pictures. You do take fantastic snapshots, Debbie. And, what a nice visit with Scott.
Austin is a beautiful city.
Gosh the Capital building is gorgeous. Love those inside shots, looking up to the awesome ceiling. How lovely you were able to enjoy special times with your son, Scott. I must say that is one gorgeous tree; the blossoms are stunning.
Wow, Debbie. These are phenomenal photo's. Such an interesting and beautiful place! So glad you got to visit Scott also! :)
Thank you for sharing your pictures...the ones of the statue are just out of this world! Funny, I haven't been to our Capital here either.
That is a beautiful building inside and out! Glad you were able to spend time with your son!
Such a beautiful building & amazing statuary
What a fun trip. I am sure it made you so happy to be with Scott. Looks like an amazing trip. Did you get to see TexWisgirl?
Love the picture of you with your son!! Very happy one! I liked this tour into this Capitol building, it's a very nice one!--very interesting. Love all the statues too. I love looking at those big dome ceiling things you see in buildings like that!!--how do they EVER INSTALL something like that?! Very neat. I've been to Austin once and we met some nice people.
Debbie, I just saw your precious post about the robins. I got a real pretty birdbath for my b/day this year. I love it so much! I'm telling you, if I can get ANY PICTURES one eighth as amazing as yours here, I WILL BE HAPPY! LOL So far there have been no birds in it, that I have seen yet, We just set it out two days ago. Previous I had big pottery bowls with water out there for them, and they enjoy those. I have to remember to put a big rock in the middle, for them to perch on, right?
Fantastic pictures.
What a gorgeous area! So wonderful to visit with family too! You both look great!
I guess I never really think to visit the capital - good for you to know want to visit your own. What a great photo of the three of you. I’m glad you had a good time!
Oh so good that you were able to go visit him, and see the capital while you were at it. we never went into the one in Trenton when we lived there, had driven by but that is it. We went to the capitol in Springfield here in Illinois but didn't end up going inside.
I enjoyed looking at all the photos of the Texas Capital. All the states have such unique histories that are usually displayed in the Capital buildings. Utah has a magnificent State Capital too. You took great photos; but of course my favorites are of you two and your dear son.
Blessings and hugs!
I love Austin and the Capital is very special place. Isn't it funny how we don't visit the places in our own back yard?
Fabulous building inside and out and VERY impressive art work in the sculptures
It was nice to see...thenks for sharing.
yes, right...always put a rock in the middle...it helps for landing and so that they don't feel they are so far away from an edge. i learned that on martha stewart a hundred years ago!!
What a fabulous building and I thought the sculptures were amazing too!
That last photograph of the three of you is lovely.
All the best Jan
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