
Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I had so many things I wanted to write about on Monday.
I had not written a post in advance, 
but I had much on my mind, I knew Monday's post would be easy to write!
Then what happened, you ask?
Everything, and I did not sit down to the computer until late...

Rewinding to the weekend,
We went to a Craft Show on Saturday, 
it rained off and on, but we caught some sun and really enjoyed the time outside.
We had pizza on the way home, you can't beat that!

Sunday, it rained "cats and dogs"...
I googled that expression but I'm not sure, even now, 
I really know how that expression evolved.
I went to see my friend/knitting teacher Leanne perform in her band concert, 
it was amazing...
we took both moms with us and I think they really enjoyed it!

After dinner out, when we got home, we found a butterfly in one of the butterfly cages.
It had gone in to chrysalis last fall and never emerged.
We kept the cage in the garage all winter, as my butterfly book said to...
and then there it was yesterday, it had "been born"!
I did not want to release it in the rain, so I did a little Google research.
Google said to feed it honey, mixed with water and that it would be fine till morning.
It was,
and first thing Monday morning, we set it free!!

It's a Black Swallowtail
And let us not miss those beautiful fingernails, I had them done on Sunday.

It was, of course, perfectly beautiful!

It stumbled about just a little, then caught on quickly and flew off without incident.
It is a beautiful thing to watch and experience.
I think I have about 10 more, 
but I can't be sure.

A few days ago I found that the house finches had built this gorgeous nest in my...

beautiful spring wreath!

Yesterday, I found two eggs in it.

I am immersed in nature here and I could not be happier.
So much more is happening, I can't wait to share it with all of you!!


  1. The Black Swallowtail was a great surprise, and I am equally sure that the House Finch nest put a huge smile on your face too.

  2. Beautiful butterfly! And it's great that birds built nest in your wreath =)

  3. Oh, what a beautiful butterfly you gave birth to. =) AND.....that glorious nest in your wreath, how exquisite! Why, I think your home is magical, Debbie.

  4. Wow...what a gorgeous post for nature lovers!
    The butterfly is a beauty and the nest is so cute!
    Thanks for sharing, Debbie.
    Let's hope the week continues...

  5. Now that is a classy bird to pick such beauty to surround her nest:) Beautiful butterfly and your nails are lovely.

  6. Such beautiful experiences right around the house. Wonderful! That butterfly was incredible. Wish I could sleep like he did all winter. Those eggs must be tiny!

  7. What a wonderful post Debbie, what a pretty butterfly and how nice for that nest in your wreath.
    I would say that Monday was a banner day.

  8. Well I love this post. Butterfly is beautiful and I love the nest with eggs. How sweet. I love nature.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful outing that you all enjoyed. The butterfly is gorgeous, lovely shots. Those birds have such skills to build such a perfect nest every time, and the eggs are a very pretty color. I love nature too and just immerse myself, especially when going on a walk through the woods. So beautiful with all the new growth this time of the year.

  10. "It had gone in to chrysalis last fall and never emerged.
    We kept the cage in the garage all winter, as my butterfly book said to...
    and then there it was yesterday, it had "been born"!

    Wow! I did not know they could hang out in there for so long. What did we do before Google?

  11. I just love that you are immersed in nature and share it with us :)

    Fabulous post and extra fabulous photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. Very cool! The butterfly is beautiful! We have robins, starlings, song sparrows, and chipping sparrows nesting on or around the house and barn swallows attempting to build a nest on the back porch. LOL!

  13. Debbie - so much excitement at your place! I can only imagine your joy at finding the Swallowtail emerged from the chrysalis. It is a stunning creation of God! And then the finch nest in your wreath. Don't they choose just the darndest places? I am sure this will bring you hours of pleasure as you watch the feeding and fledging process! I have no doubt you are going to enjoy your week ahead!

  14. Hello, I am glad you had a fun weekend in spite of the rainy weekend. Love the beautiful butterfly, what a nice surprise. The nest and eggs are a great find too. Beautiful photos. Enjoy your day!

  15. so cool to come home to see the butterfly and so great that you were able to feed it until the weather was well enough to let it go, it is just beautiful! Oh that wreath is just beautiful, I understand why the birds thought it would be a great place to have their nest. It will be neat to see them hatch.

  16. You do have so many fun adventures that I love following. I love that you took your two moms to watch your good friend Leanne perform in the band; what a fun moment.
    Your nails do look beautiful. I took my daughter and we got our nails done yesterday for Mother's Day. It was fun:
    What a miracle to have this beautiful butterfly emerge. I love how you care for them and especially this one. You are marvelous at caring for the nature around you. I love you much for that!
    Blessings and hugs!
