I have been working a lot...and I have not been paying much attention to my feathered friends.
I decided to take 15 minutes off and stand at the window and photograph the birds.
Only 15 minutes,
I set the timer on my phone, and even though it was difficult, I stuck to it.

This is a Song Sparrow
a familiar, long tailed songster.
Sexes are similar, and they have a beautiful feather pattern,
which is always overlooked because of it's colors.

This is a Male House Finch
Sexes are not similar, the female does not have the pretty red head.
This beautiful bird comes to my feeders year round.

This is an American Robin
I always consider its return to be one of the first signs of spring.
This is a beautiful, "plump" male.
If it were lighter in color, I would have thought it to be a female with child.

This is a White Throated Sparrow
A winter bird for me, so I am a little surprised it is still here.
The sexes are similar...
this one is particularly beautiful,
the white and yellow on this bird were very clean and bright.

And this is the dreaded European Starling
I have asizable huge flock of these that is eating my suet like it is candy.
The hubs has to change the suet,
it is out of my reach and I am sure he is getting tired of hearing me tell him it is empty.
As much as I dread seeing this bird,
I decided to take a picture as the colors looked kinda' pretty in the sun!
I did have a few stare down sessions, I won both...

The Mockingbird

and the White Throated Sparrow!
In that 15 minutes, I also saw many Male and Female Cardinals.
Several Chickadees, Titmouse, and Female House Finches,
but none of them wanted their picture taken.
I am seeing a bit more action at the feeders and I could not be happier.
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I decided to take 15 minutes off and stand at the window and photograph the birds.
Only 15 minutes,
I set the timer on my phone, and even though it was difficult, I stuck to it.

This is a Song Sparrow
a familiar, long tailed songster.
Sexes are similar, and they have a beautiful feather pattern,
which is always overlooked because of it's colors.

This is a Male House Finch
Sexes are not similar, the female does not have the pretty red head.
This beautiful bird comes to my feeders year round.

This is an American Robin
I always consider its return to be one of the first signs of spring.
This is a beautiful, "plump" male.
If it were lighter in color, I would have thought it to be a female with child.

This is a White Throated Sparrow
A winter bird for me, so I am a little surprised it is still here.
The sexes are similar...
this one is particularly beautiful,
the white and yellow on this bird were very clean and bright.

And this is the dreaded European Starling
I have a
The hubs has to change the suet,
it is out of my reach and I am sure he is getting tired of hearing me tell him it is empty.
As much as I dread seeing this bird,
I decided to take a picture as the colors looked kinda' pretty in the sun!
I did have a few stare down sessions, I won both...

The Mockingbird

and the White Throated Sparrow!
In that 15 minutes, I also saw many Male and Female Cardinals.
Several Chickadees, Titmouse, and Female House Finches,
but none of them wanted their picture taken.
I am seeing a bit more action at the feeders and I could not be happier.
Sharing today with
Oh my, that was 15 minutes well spent! I am always amazed as to the number of birds that visit you.
Wonderful series of images. The common garden visitors can bring so much joy for the investment of a few dollars in bird seed, surely the best deal in town!
Great photos of the birds. The spot where you got the pictures must be very popular. Blessings to you Debbie, for a wonderful Easter. xoxo, Susie
Beautiful photos! Those birds are all year-round residents for us. I've had to stop feeding suet in the past when the starlings got too bad. Love the mockingbird photo! LOL!
We are seeing a lot of activity in our feeders now too. Love your idea to take time to see what's out there. The White throated Sparrow sure is pretty. I don't think I've ever seen one of them! Happy weekend!
Such beautiful pictures. I don't see very many birds around my house, between my cats & the neighbors, birds are too scared to stop by.
Hello, lovely collection of birds Debbie! I have so many favorites, they all look so cute. Beautiful photos. I am glad you took off work for 15 minutes. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! Happy Easter! PS, thanks for commenting on my post.
It was a productive 15 minutes, Debbie. Beautiful photos!
I’m always blown away by your gorgeous photos! These would be perfect for a bird guide book!
Many birds are like ours. Great photos!! Doubly cool that all these birds are from your garden =)
What a super collection of birds here Debbie, I keep scrolling up and down to try and choose a favourite!
It's the American Robin :)
All the best Jan
Each bird has. special beauty. I am seeing more action here as well.
When I stop in and see you've posted bird pictures, I know I'm in for a treat! all of the pictures are amazing and I love them all but the starling captivated me this time---the textures, swirls, colors, and patterns on those feathers is just gorgeous!
Hello. During 15 minutes a lot of birds! Wonderful photos! The European Starling is one of my favorite birds.
Beautiful birds !!
Happy Easter !!
Brilliant pictures. My favourite is the White throated Sparrow.
Great series...you have nice company!
These are wonderful portraits. Reminds me of way back when we fed birds at our Oregon home (the previous life one).... we had all those feeder birds and the robin of course. But that was before digital camera so only memories. Back then, we had to take down our suet feeder, because thevstarkings not only ate it faster than we could replenish, but also they drove out the smaller birds. So yep, I never liked those guys either.
Your willpower is amazing! I should use that timer function.
The dreaded European Starling is actually is a great photo of a brilliantly colored bird. Of course, Robins are a favorite. I haven't seen any around yet but should be popping by soon. We do have a couple of Dove's out back but don't know where they are nesting. These are some spectacular photo of the birds you have right there in your yard. It's amazing! I'm happy that they are back. Blessings and hugs!
What a nice collection of sweetie birds.
Wow I will have to say you see a lot more variety in birds than I do here, and all in 15 minutes that is awesome, I love your stare down pics :) Yes those pesky starlings have been at it here too, and they have totally gone through all my suet also, I need to run to the store today and pick up some more, I was hoping they would move on, I have my hummingbird food out too but haven't seen any yet but I guess they are around in some places they have spotted them so I keep an eye out for them :)
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