
Monday, April 22, 2019

Post Easter

The weekend was wild, in the best way possible!
We had so much fun and I don't have one picture to prove it!
We spent Saturday at my niece Deanna's house,
we went early, she served brunch, and we spent the day.
The neighborhood egg hunt was canceled, 
too much rain, and the area was flooded, so we had one of our own.

I made two of these for the girls, one for Addie and one for Lorelei

This was for my nephew Anthony

These were for Addie and Lorelei

Little Rory is getting ready to turn 1,
I thought books would be good for her!

I brought desert, these cookies that I did not make...
cupcakes that were too cute for words,
and an adorable cake that was a tree trunk with a bunny tale sticking out.
I dropped the cake and the bunny tale got quite a trim...
when I sent my niece a text letting her know, because she is usually the one who drops stuff,
she replied, "hahaha, liposuction"!!
I love this girl!

The day ended with all of the children drenched and a pile of wet clothes at the door.
On my niece's dare, the kids jumped/swam in the huge puddles on her street.
My niece is just amazing, could you imagine having a fun mom like that??


  1. Hello, Debbie
    Sounds like a fun Easter with your family. Lots of yummy food and treats. The baskets and books are wonderful gifts. The cookies look delicious. I am always dropping things, my thumbs don't work LOL! Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead!

  2. Now this sounds a lot of fun, smiles and laughter … perfect!

    All the best Jan

  3. I enjoyed reading about your Easter Celebration. I think you are one awesome Aunt and you got the perfect gifts for those cute children. I think your niece sounds like such a fun girl. I love when Mother's just let fun stuff happen.
    Blessings and hugs for all!

  4. Debbie - sounds like a blast. We always encouraged our kids to play in the rain, puddles, backyard streams, anywhere. To this day, I am convinced it's why they don't get sick. They were exposed to every germ under the sun at an early age! Those cookies are just my thing - big and well iced!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day! Delicious food, happy children, and sweet little gifts and treats! Sending hugs xo Karen

  6. Great holiday celebration, sounds like y'all had a wonderful time! Loved the pictures and filling up Easter baskets is SO FUN!!!---I used to enjoy that so much when our kids were little.

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter Debbie

  8. So good to hear you had such a lovely Easter, and it sounds like the kids must have had a wonderful one too! Bummer about dropping the cake but sounds like you were able to salvage it :)
