
Monday, February 4, 2019

The Ducks At The Inlet

I'm pretty sure the ducks think I'm crazy, I tend to agree with them
It's freezing outdoors and yet I am drawn to the open water to watch them.
Camera in hand, 
I scan the water and find some of the beautiful ducks that spend their winters here.
I watch them swim, dive, eat, play and socialize.
I am filled with joy.

The Bufflehead is a small diving duck, present in New Jersey only in the winter.

A Female Common Merganser, a larger more elegant diving duck, also here only in the winter.

Male Red Breasted Merganser - a slim diving duck, another duck here only in winter.

We are fortunate to see so many beautiful ducks in this area during the winter.
If you want to see them, 
you have to get outdoors, but you don't have to go far.


  1. Hello, I love all the ducks and the water. So pretty, lovely captures! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and have a great new week ahead.

  2. Oh wow!! Love all your photos, Debbie especially the ones with the rippled water effect. I suppose if you want to see all the pretty ducks in Winter, then you have to visit where they are. You can always lots of knitted woollies. =)

  3. I suspect the ducks are flattered by your devotion!

  4. Those are beautiful shots. The shimmer and bokeh of the water rocks.

  5. I love watching ducks and other wildlife in their environment. Just makes me happy. Great pics. Bet those ducks were trying to figure out what you were doing bundled up and taking pics.

  6. What beautiful ducks. I haven't ever seen those kind of ducks, except in my bird book. What incredible shots. I am so glad you get outside to take pictures.
    I love this time of year because the birds can't hide and I can see them.
    Just use my blogger to leave comments Debbie. I think I am going to shelve my Word Press. Its so much easier to keep it to one blog. :)

  7. Stunning pictures of these beautiful ducks, who actually look like they don’t mind the cold! Thank you for braving that weather and sharing the joy!

  8. That Bufflehead is quite a beauty.. I didn't know there were so many types of ducks out there!

  9. You are an excellent wildlife photographer, Debbie!

  10. All are so cute! And the colours of the water reflections make the views even better...

  11. I absolutely LOVE the way the water looks in all of your photos. The first one looks like a painting! These are such pretty ducks too. I just got back from hiking and there was a hawk over my head...directly over! I just about broke my neck trying to take pics! lol Enjoy your afternoon!

  12. I love the Merganser with their spikey hair-dos.

  13. Debbie - as many others have said, the water in these pictures NEARLY outshines the ducks …. gorgeous, rich colors and texture. We appreciate you braving the weather for them!

  14. Not only do i love the birds your photographed but the water and the reflections Debbie.

  15. These are beautiful! The first three or four photos look like oil paintings. I love how the water turned out in those! A really nice painting effect.

  16. All the ducks are gorgeous, but it is the patterns in the water, especially in the first picture that really got my attention. Awesome!

  17. I can only imagine how excited you were to see them all, it is so fun to get pics of animals that you don't see every day and you have done an amazing job with them all!

  18. Wow, The water in the pictures is amazing. Those first pictures look like a water color painting. The ducks are so hidden by the color that at first I couldn't see them!

    1. many thanks, i'm so happy you enjoyed them!!!
