I have not seen Mr. Hawk in the yarn and I have also "not" seen any more piles of bird feathers.
Slowly, my little song birds are returning!!



Male Red Bellied Woodpecker

Ruby Crowned Kinglet, thank you David

Female Cardinal
Sharing today with
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen
Slowly, my little song birds are returning!!



Male Red Bellied Woodpecker

Ruby Crowned Kinglet, thank you David

Female Cardinal
Sharing today with
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen
Lovely images. There is one school of thought that postulates that by feeding songbirds we permit weak birds that otherwise would not survive to make it and they fall easy prey to raptors, with the logical conclusion that we are in effect feeding raptors. And I have no problem with that!
I forgot to mention, the bird you describe as a Yellow-rumped Warbler above is a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Hello Debbie, your bird photos are just fantastic. I love them all but the Kinglet is a favorite. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post today and the past year. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! PS, I also appreciate all the comments you have left me this past year, thanks again! I wish you all the best in 2019 Happy New year to you and your family!
You always get so much detail in your close ups....I know, I say that every time! heehee! Love your birds and glad they have full run of the yard! Hugs!
Gorgeous photos! Glad to see them back! The Kinglet is a cute little tyke!
Absolutely beautiful pictures of the birds. I miss our birds too...a hawk has taken to roosting in the pines. He's pretty but he isn't singing. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
some of my favorite neighborhood buds
I cannot believe the different kinds of birds you have in your yard! They are just beautiful shots each and everyone of them. I think the hawks have moved in for good. Three of them of different varieties. I notice they are very nosy. Have a lovely day
Hello Dear Debbie!
Hope you have a great New Year 2019.
Let the celebration begin. May all your dreams come true!
so glad to hear it, we had more visitors to our suet today, but I did see a hawk flying around yesterday. The kinglet is so pretty, I don't think we have them here, at least not at my feeders. So good to see your bird pictures again :)
Hope your enjoying a nice weekend!
They are such beautiful birds, and lovely to see.
Pleased they are visiting you regularly!
Love the Ruby Crowned Kinglet :)
All the best Jan
Your bird photos are simply the best.
Oh my sweet friend, I am so happy that your little birds are returning. These are spectacular photos. I really like the colors of the female Cardinal today; just lovely.
Thanks for sharing these as always, I really enjoy them.
Blessings and hugs!
Amazing photos! So beautiful! Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy 2019, filled with blessings! Hugs xo Karen
Al fabulous images and glad the little birds feel safe to return now Debbie
Fantastic photos :)
So beautiful! I am partial to the Titmouse...
The kinglet's eyes are amazing! You sure have some great shots! Glad your birds have returned. Happy New Year!
Yay! I’m so happy your littles are back, such beautiful yard birds. You are so much better with that camera than I will ever be!
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