
Monday, December 31, 2018

United States Botanic Gardens

A few weeks ago, while we were in Washington, D.C. we visited 
Free to all, they always do a beautiful job decorating the gardens for Christmas.
The D.C. Landmarks,
and all of the Monuments are made completely of plant material.
Each building's complexity determines how long it will take to create.
The U.S. Capital took more than 600 hours to build.

 This page describes how they were made and what materials were used!

Union Station

White House

This Chandelier hangs from the ceiling...

Smithsonian Institution, The Castle

U.S. Supreme Court Building

United States Botanic Gardens

Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorail

Capital Building

A beautiful place to spend an afternoon!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas Around The World

Here is another beautiful display of Christmas Trees we saw during our visit to
at the National Harbor, near Washington D.C.

7 Christmas Trees, from 7 countries around the world were on display.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 263 ~

I have not seen Mr. Hawk in the yarn and I have also "not" seen any more piles of bird feathers.
Slowly, my little song birds are returning!!



Male Red Bellied Woodpecker

Ruby Crowned Kinglet, thank you David

Female Cardinal

Sharing today with
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen 

Friday, December 28, 2018

Local Lights

Here in my hometown we take exterior illumination at Christmastime seriously...
- very seriously -

Hot Chocolate in hand, we went for a ride in our four wheel drive sled, 
to check out the Christmas spirit of our fellow towns people.
Here are a few of my favorites!

- this house was my favorite -

- this my second favorite -

- this house had the most lights, 25,000 -

The people in this house had the best sense of humor!!