
Friday, November 16, 2018

The No Snow

The weathermen said it wasn't going to snow in our neck of the woods.
We were expecting heavy rain but no snow...
but they are usually wrong, right?
So I wore my pajama's inside out and slept with a spoon underneath my pillow...
well that didn't work and all we got was a lot of rain!

So I broke out the Winter Wonderland DVD....

slid that into the DVR and watched the snow on television.

We did get some freezing rain, for about an hour!

It looked pretty on our greenhouse window!

I made this soup for dinner, one of my Home Chef meals for this week.
We were so hungry when it was done, I forgot to take a picture of it.
It was delicious!

I started this Wool Painting picture, it's not going as well as I had hoped...
so no pictures yet!


  1. That chowder looks like the perfect food for chilly, rainy weather. How fascinating is that butterfly wool painting. I look forward to seeing your creation, Debbie.

  2. Hello, we have the snow here. I think we got 4-6 inches in my area. I wish I could send you some. Your soup looks delicious. The painting will be beautiful. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. Our first snowstorm today, Debbie. I hate the thought of it!

  4. Your art project is new to me so anxious to hear all about it. Sorry you didn't get snow but am sure you will.

  5. This morning was actually the first cold I've felt. Even turned on the heater. :)

    You have so many interests, Debbie. Reminds me of when I was your age.


  6. I think I am going to try all of your tricks to just get some rain! I love your dinner and I love your picture. I love that you are always trying new things.

  7. I see wool and glue.... do you stick the wool to something to make the picture?

    1. not fibers are not "blending" together the way they are in the picture. you layer the fibers and "massage" them so they blend. mine does not look like the picture!

  8. Our weather here in the UK is still quite mild …
    Your dinner sounds delicious.

    All the best Jan

  9. I’m smiling on this one. You have such fun humor. I’m sorry it hasn’t snowed yet; but it will soon. I’m not quite that excited for snow to come. I’m just adjusting to the cold. The food sounded yommy and your project looks fun.
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. Bummer you didn't get the snow you were hoping for, sounds like they got hit just above you. Our daughter only got 3 inches in Connecticut.
    Don't you hate it when you forget to take a picture, when I am running behind on my cardmaking and I forget to take a picture that really bums me out.
    Your wool painting sounds interesting, I haven't heard about that, look forward to you sharing the final project :)

  11. That chowder looks delicious. Would quite like the recipe fr that Debbie please. You need to loo at Ginny's post and maybe be glad you got no snow!! .Have a lovely weekend

  12. That soup looks delicious! Send me a big bowl through the computer, ha ha LOL! Brrrrrrrr the icy photo looks COLD! Not sure I'm ready for winter!!! Do y'all have fun plans for the weekend?
