
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 258 ~

It was the first time I had seen a Male American Wigeon.

A medium sized dabbling duck,
the male has a striking head pattern with a green stripe stretching from it's eye to it's back.

They have a creamy white patch on their forehead and crown.

Their face and neck are a speckled gray.

Swimming in the middle of my favorite lake, they are generally only seen here in winter.
So I guess that means it is winter surely feels like it.

There was no green strip on this one,
I thought perhaps it was a female but it did not match the picture in my book.

I also saw a Female Wood Duck
I looked for it's prettier male partner but did not see him.
Last year there was a pair in this lake, so I assume / hope the pair is back.

- stay tuned, I will keep looking -

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  1. The old vernacular name for American Wigeon was Baldpate, based on the view that the white strip down the centre of a head resembled a bald person.

  2. Love these ducks. Thank you for sharing! Great photos, Debbie!

  3. Oh, I love that patch of green! Beautiful duck! The female Wood Duck is showing off!

  4. Hello Debbie, awesome photos of the Wigeons. They are pretty ducks. I love the sweet female wood duck too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. So many different kinds and so happy that you have studied to tell us about it.

  6. Never seen his duck. Pretty pictures and have a lovely weekend :)

  7. How neat with that little big of green! It looks like it would glow in the dark! Beautiful photos! Happy weekend!

  8. Beautiful, wonderful bird photos!
    I think the one you are not sure of is the female American Wigeon. It looks like the photo in my Audubon bird book.

  9. I will always stay tuned, Debbie.

    Beautiful photo's!


  10. Gorgeous! I love the green eye piece :D)

  11. What a pretty duck! The American Wigeon is certainly striking.

  12. Wow, I have never even seen a photo of an American Wigeion. I find the color pattern interesting. It would be fun to see a photo of the male duck. I continue to be fascinated by the fact that the male birds are often more beautiful than the female ones.
    Loved this one!
    Blessings and hugs~

  13. Hello! Great photos! It looks little bit same like a eurasian wigeon, but there are also differences between these two.

  14. A lovely duck. The one that you are not sure of may either be a younger one or it is the wya the light is playing on its feathers debbie

  15. What a sweetie, and that touch of green is really unique!

  16. I have never seen those around here, how cool is that, good eye! That one does have some of the same coloring like it could be the female!

  17. Thanks for being so patient with me while I was on a holiday break! I LOVE having you share your blog with us at I'd Rather B Birdin'!

    Loved the A. Wigeon series.
