
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 256 ~

The ducks that migrate to this area during the winter have started to arrive.

I purchased a new book to help me identify them,
Birds of Eastern North America
I spent quite a bit of time in Barnes and Noble, so to be sure the book I choose would be helpful.

This book is perfect for me.
I prefer a book with photographs that I can line up with my pictures.
I have a bird book that I love but it does not include ducks.
This book has both ducks and birds, 
and it is laid out nicely.
The pictures are beautiful and very helpful when trying to identify ducks.

There are several places I visit often
but this lake in Point Pleasant, New Jersey is one of my favorites.

The ducks were pretty far out, but I was able to get a few
"not so shameful" pictures.

Ruddy Duck

most of them assumed this position!

Sleeping or perhaps they are just resting as it seems they have their eyes open.

Female Lesser Scaup

I included this blurry picture of the 
Female Lesser Scaup
as it shows a bit more of the feather detail on the body.

Male Greater Scaup


Male Redhead

This was the only Redhead I saw.

Here is the group, you can see the one Redhead right in the center of the Rudy Ducks.

These ducks do not make it easy to photograph them.
A zillion cars can drive around this lake and they are unaffected.
But the minute you slow your car down, they head straight for the center of the lake.
Not the mallards...
when you slow down here they head straight for your car, hoping you have food!

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  1. A lovely series of pictures and your ID is spot on, Debbie, so your books has obviously helped a great deal. Congratulations.

  2. Hello, Debbie! I like the cute Ruddy Ducks. It has been awhile since I have seen a Coot. The Redhead is a beauty. Great collection of ducks and photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! PS, thanks also for leaving me a comment.

  3. Love these photo's, Debbie. This post reminds me taking Hunter and Rylan to the duck pond quite frequently. One time, the ducks started chasing us; it was funny but the little ones were afraid. Then we laughed and laughed about it.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Some very nice looking wildfowl. My favourite is that male Redhead.

  5. Hello! The book looks good. The photos are great! Have a nice weekend!

  6. Very nice duck pics. Looks like you found the perfect book to help with ID. I like pics in the book too.

  7. The Male Greater Scaup with its blue bill is a beauty!

  8. I like a good state specific book also.Barnes usually has a specific area for these

  9. I love that bird ID book. I always get mine out and then go online too. And then I still get it today! heehee! But it's fun to learn...if only I could remember! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Very cool you captured that red head, isn't it funny how some will flee from you when others come right up, it was neat seeing the whole bunch of them, there is a pond at the end of our street and there have been a few ducks in there lately, wondering if they are passing through or not

  11. That book looks and sounds great.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. I am happy you found a book that you love on birds and ducks. Personally, I think you should do a book of all your fabulous photos of ducks and birds.
    I loved looking through our photos today. I always think it is interesting that often times the male is more colorful than the female. The Male Redhead is a handsome one. I liked the all.
    Blessings and hugs!

  13. Debbie, your photos of 'your' ducks are not too shameful....not too shameful at all! In fact they are up to par with all your gorgeous shots you capture. I love your Barns and Noble book shop....I could do some serious damage to my purse in that store.

  14. How fun to be able to put your new book to good use!

  15. A good field guide is invaluable. I like ducks too.

  16. great that the winter ducks are returning Debbie and my favourite image is the 11th one.

  17. Terrific! Love the guide book. I use several. And your waterfowl images are fabulous!

    It's been great to go with you on a birdin' adventure this week from The Bird D'pot. Thanks for taking us along.

  18. Very nice shots of the ducks.

  19. I love the bright eyes! The ducks act the same way here...the truly wild ones stay out and the tamer mallards hang around close to shore hoping for food.
